Posts: 578
on 05/27/2011
Hello Wizzzzleys,
recently, the suggestion came up of sending only one daily digest of all fan mails, instead of posting a single mail for each new page. After all, it's a convenient function and it sure isn't our intention to spam you!
An alternative would be, that each of you gets a personal RSS feed, which summarizes all new articles written by your favorite authors ... those who don't like e-mail notifications can simply deactivate them in their settings.
Which option do you like best?
on 05/27/2011
I would prefer a daily digest in email form. Why? Because I am more likely to click on the new wizzes when I get a daily email. I read my Reader in spurts (not daily) and will probably be overwhelmed with dozens of new wizzes. I will probably visit fewer through that avenue.
Also, being a fan automatically send the notices. Using the RSS requires another step.
Posts: 578
on 05/27/2011
Thanks for the feedback :)
on 05/27/2011
I kind of like the idea of a "daily digest".
on 05/27/2011
I'd prefer the daily digest option too :)
on 05/31/2011
I'd also prefer a daily digest.
on 06/05/2011
I definitely prefer the daily digest format. Right now, the amount of emails is tolerable because I'm only a fan of 6 authors. If I become a fan of more than 15, this would drive me crazy.
I don't check my feeds as often as I should, so I think the digest would be a fair compromise between getting the word out from authors I am following and bombarding my inbox with emails from Wuzzley.
on 06/06/2011
Daily digest is my preference too, I'm a little like Jimmie when it comes to using my reader - I'm getting better, but.......
on 06/06/2011
I would prefer something on-site. I already get so many emails from various sites it's hard to keep up and most only get skimmed. A single page here would be better for me.
on 06/06/2011
I would prefer an RSS feed. I would be more likely to skim an RSS feed that is sitting next to the RSS feed for this forum, than to read an email.
on 06/07/2011
It's already on our longer and loooonger and loooooooooooooonger getting To-Do-List :-)
Simon is in holidy in France at the moment, but I think he is working on that feature 
on 06/08/2011
I love the daily digest idea. I had to turn off my fan mail, as there was just too much, and we (family) all use the same inbox. My reader is also overflowing all the time.
on 06/08/2011
I would prefer the daily digest as I don't go to my reader that much.
Kathy M.
on 06/08/2011
Much prefer the daily digest - with the ability to add an rss feed of our own pages to other sites 
on 06/10/2011
I'm with Wrylit: I would love a page right here on the site where I could click and see new stuff from my favorite authors. Second to that, I would prefer a daily digest email. If I'm getting individual emails it is too much, and I turn them off. And I must confess, I've yet to venture into RSS reader territory!
Carma aka tandemonimom