Fun Things for Families to Do This Summer

by katiem2

Summertime is a great time for family fun and bonding. Make sure your family's summertime is fun and memorable by creating fond memories using our guide to great summer fun.

The first signs of spring ignite a burst of energy and excitement to all those eager to be done with winter. To avoid let down from boredom and the risk of settling into a lazy uneventful summer you will need a game plan. We will review a burst of ideas sure to make your spring and summer to-do list and spark more ideas of your own. This can be the best spring and summer possible, and one sure to make the list of great family memories. Don’t wait, get the family involved and take advantage of the excitement and new energy of the warmer seasons before either wane. The last thing you want to experience this summer is boredom, a sedentary lifestyle, or brain drain. Our list includes the main ingredients to a relaxing summertime packed with fun and stimulating activities the entire family can both enjoy and participate in for a memorable family summer. A big vacation is great and yet only fills a very small chunk of the summer. You have long weekends of childhood memories to build, or you could opt out of one big vacation by adding lots of family fun throughout the entire summer. Let’s explore the possibilities.

Share Summertime Traditions

Ah yes summertime, first consider all the various childhood memories and traditions you can pass down to your children, family, and friends. Fond cherished memories are a legacy sure to remain in the family and oh the wonderful stories and traditions to be shared for years to come. Now, who wouldn't want to contribute to that?

Keep The Home Fires Burning

There's nothing as memorable as setting round the camp fire, roasting marshmellows and hot dogs.

Gathering around the campfire is a great opportunity to share family stories, funny moments, and even a scary story or two, It doesn't matter, whatever you and your family enjoy talking about it!  You will be creating fun reflective memories that will be forever etched into the fond childhood memories of your children.  

For many, the favorite part of camping is the fireside fun and activities. But if you're like me camping is way too much work to enjoy the discomforts of the actual event. Why not bypass all the packing, unpacking, and discomfort of camping away from home and do it at home.  This is a great family activity my family has enjoyed for generations. 

This activity is wonderful, just pitch a few tents, set the mood, and create your own family campfire. it's a lot of fun to pitch a tent at home allowing the kids to stay up as late as they want.  You can supply the tent with fun board games just as you might if actually leaving home to camp.  Enjoy roasting marsh mellows and making smores all while you watch your children run and play in the safety and comfort of home.

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Summers here and you need a fun list of things for your daughter to do this summer that will keep both you and her happy and feeling good about your choices. We have the list of..

Fun Summer Activities

Your home is a comfortable place with many a fond memory why not make finding treasure among those memories?

Every house has a rich history and many buried treasures among its grounds.  You never know what you might find as you explore your property.  

Yes, your home is your territory and ripe for exploration.  Set up a treasure hunt in and around your own backyard or even indoors.  Involving role play is always an exciting and fun addition.  

Imagine all the lost treasure in and around your yard.  

There could be jewelry, coins, historical pieces, and the like.  

You don't really know about the history of your home and its property till you go digging around. 

Or you could strategically sprinkle hidden treasures around for the kids to find in their explorations.

Below is a cool collection of 200 pieces of rocks, fossils, geodes, real fossils, rose quartz, jasper, aventurine, and many more rocks, crystals, and gemstones.  All for 24.99 and let me tell you this is a mega bunch of fun for a small price, not to mention the thrilling experience sure to impress any child and adult. 

Hunting For Treasure At Home


This is what I suggest you do, actually dig around.

You may want to start with a map to guide children near areas you approve of and away from those you don't. 

You could create a map in advance and include it as the first treasure discovery. Maps build suspense and add excitement. And or you could have a blank map for the kids to complete.

Explore using a map to track your exploration, a metal detector, some small shovels, and excavating tools to search for hidden treasures you and your family have a claim to.  

If you have an exploration enthusiast in your home they will love this.  

Isn't there a bit of an adventurer in us all? 

You seriously may uncover old coins, jewelry, and some Indian heads or the like.  

Treasure hunts or otherwise called scavenger hunts are super fun ways to get the family excited, moving all while creating fond memories and keepsakes to support those memories. 

The cost of this activity is affordable and the tools can be reused over and over again. 

Enjoy your exploration and don't forget to take pictures. 

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Summer Fun For the Entire Family

Summertime is the time to get active and reconnect with your kids and spouse.

Everyone in the family needs to clear the cobwebs and get back into shape after a long winter's nap.  

It's the normal cycle of life, we get snuggled in for the winter and spring forward into shape with fun activities to enjoy the warm summer months packed with sunshine and leading into a care-free evening with fireflies and butterfly nets.  

When you want an easy-going activity to jump-start summer there is a one really fun idea that comes to mind.  

Catching fireflies or lightning bugs as some call them.  All you need is enough nets to go around or share, taking turns, and a bug carrier.

Gather the family around at dusk with the bug-catching gear and some comfy chairs relaxing as you watch your children catch those amazing fireflies and put them into the bug jar for night lights.  

What a fond memory your kids will one day share with their children, oh and don't forget the pictures, they will be priceless.

Collecting fireflies, butterflies and other interesting insects wakes the curious scientist in us all, you never know, there may be a great scientist in the family.

Relax, enjoy and let nature teach you and your family how to enjoy life. Oh and don't forget to set the little critters your kids catch-free at bedtime. Bugs have to get home to their beds as well. 

Catching Fire Flies and Lightening Bug Fun

Don't Forget The Walkie Talkies

Kids Outdoor Toys - Long Range Walkie Talkie for Kids - User-Friendly & Easy to Operate - Bright Fun Colors - Lightweight and Practical
Walkie Talkies for Kids (2 Pieces) - Kids Outdoor Toys - Long Range...

Retro Summer Fun

Share those things your parents, aunts uncles and grand parents taught you.

It may be learning to play chess, checkers, card games, or any other leisurely activity or skill and yet you remember it and are thankful someone took the time to teach you.  Pass this down as it was to you and continue time-honored traditions and skills.

Note; if you don't know how to play chess and have always wanted to learn do so with your child.  Admitting you're never too old to learn or give up on a desire to do something is a powerful motivator for your child now and in years to come. Check out youtube videos to learn.  Playing chess with a child is a bond that will serve as a powerful communication tool all throughout life. 

It's nice to know how to do things as this helps children socially.  If you know how to play chess it's a traditional game that builds skill and confidence.  

The games and skills you pass along to your children are priceless.  It makes them feel good for knowing how and because they have skilled people in their family to teach them, bond with.  

Regardless of how busy you think you may be, you are never too busy for family time.  Take the time to teach your children what you know, everyone will have fun.

Check out the list of other retro fun activities you can share with your family this summer. 

Lite-Bright is a timeless activity that is especially fun on warm summer nights outside in the tent, the deck, or a cozy blanket on the ground. 

Gardening is fun for kids and builds positive self-sufficiency while growing food for their families.

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Traditional Summer Activites

What hobbies or skills did your parents enjoy?

Families are rich with traditions, it could be cooking a certain dish, sewing crocheting, or knitting. The list goes on and on.  Do you know how to do any such things?  Did your parents or grandparents hand down a time-honored tradition?  These little family jewels are great for sharing.

Traditional Ideas

  • Wood Crafts - Birdhouse
  • Candle Making
  • Knitting, Crochet, Needle Work, Knitting or Sewing
  • Fishing
  • Painting, Charcoals or Pencil Sketches
  • Stained Glass
  • Song Writing, Singing or Instruments
  • Dancing - Traditional or Non Traditional

Most Importantly relax and enjoy down time alone together with the family.

Enjoy Your Summer, Katie

Fun Summer Projects

Here's a list of other fun projects you and the family can get into this summer.

Kids always enjoy redecorating their room, make it a special bonding time.  You may also want to teach your teen some great money-making activities waking the ambition in their personality.  Feel free to leave a comment at the bottom of this list and let me know what's on your mind.

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Updated: 04/22/2021, katiem2
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What's The Funnest Summer Activity You've Ever Shared With Your Family

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katiem2 on 06/24/2012

Tolovaj, I like the simple summer family fun activities too. I love both summer and family. Good TImes :) K

Tolovaj on 06/05/2012

Hard to say, I believe most fun activities in the summer were outdoors and they were pretty simple like a picnic, or ball games and so on. I don't have a need to 'go somewhere' to have good fun. Best fun for me is to grab some free time and spend it with a family and maybe with an addition of some friends...
Thanks for the list, I'll check it, summer finally arrived in Slovenia:)

katiem2 on 05/09/2012

Marko, Ewww all great ideas, thanks for sharing your family fun adventures with your son. It's wonderful to hear from parents who've built fond childhood memories. Thanks and Enjoy another great family summer packed with good times building new memories.

Marko on 05/09/2012

I agree, Katie, it's important to spend as much free time as possible with our family. And if you had fun at that time in the past, kids will definitely like to join you even when they grow up. I am lucky to have such experience with my son - he is a teenager now, but he still likes to go sometimes with me and my wife to do some activities (badminton, fishing or wind surfing).
About the funnest summer activity - well, there were plenty as my son loved and still does) radio controlled scale models (boats, planes, helicopters). You can imagine how many times I was climbing the trees to get small planes which were 'landing' there (OK, I admit - I also was a lousy pilot, too!).

katiem2 on 04/23/2012

Pinkchic18, Great enjoy your summer packed with fun things to do :)

Pinkchic18 on 04/23/2012

Summer is my favorite time of the year, there is so many fun things to do and the weather is (most of the time) cooperative! I love your ideas here, and we'll definitely be doing these when summer finally makes its appearance :)

katiem2 on 04/01/2012

flowski, Me too, its great to search for buried treasure with family. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment.

flowski on 04/01/2012

I love prospecting with metal detectors. I agree, it's a fun activity for families to do.

katiem2 on 03/20/2012

Miaden, Its getting into the 80's here in Ohio today on this the first day of spring. I love warm weather, watching things grow and occupy the great outdoors. Camping is a big favorite for many, I prefer to get a cabin, with a fireplace and all the creature comforts... :)

Mladen on 03/20/2012

Oh, summer is coming indeed. We are out of the winter for 10 days, and it is cosy 20+ degrees of Celsius outside. And I am already making plans for spring and summer time. Thank you for these great ideas, and I have to say I will stick to good old camping, camp fire and marshmellows. :)

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