Getting to Know Terri Lorah

by terrilorah

Welcome to my World....

I am a Wife, Mom, Grandmother and blogger with my own home business. I also work in a nursing home and realize that life is fragile and we have to make the best of it. I try to live life to the fullest and make my dreams come true. One winter hubby and I took off in the middle of a snowstorm to the Florida Keys. That's how we roll! At any given moment we could be up and running given the opportunity! I hope you enjoy learning about me and my beautiful life.

Happily Married for over 30 years

June 16, 1979
Hubby & Me
Hubby & Me

It's Been over 30 Years

Our Family Means the World To Us

When we got married in 1979 I was 19 and hubby was 21. It seemed normal  back then to get married at that age. Now when I think of kids getting married that early, I shudder and think they are way too young. I realize we were just kids ourselves, even though we felt all grown up! I had all three of my kids by the time I was 25! Kids raising kids, but yet somehow we managed and did a pretty good job of it if I do say so!

We've had tough times and good times, hard times and abundant times but we always battled our way through whatever life threw at us and worked through it. Being married is the best, I couldn't imagine any other way.

Do You Think Young Adults Today Value Marriage As Much As We Did?

Best Friends

Our Kids All Grown Up
Our Kids All Grown Up

Three Kids and Two Grand Daughters

Life is Good

These are my three! Dave and Steve are in a band, Rearview Destroyer. Remember that name because they are starting to become quite the heavy metal rockers on the internet and locally. My daughter had gifted us with two little beauties, Hailey and Kira and they just love to spend time with MomMom and Pappy! I am telling you, if you have grand kids then you know the joy of having them to indulge in!

Grandbabies are True Love

I have to show off a bit
Baking Cookies
Baking Cookies
Silly Kira Rose
Silly Kira Rose
A crown for a Queen (homeade that is)
A crown for a Queen...

We Love The USA

When I was younger I thought about traveling to places abroad but now that I am older and my love for my Country is so deep, I've taken quite an interest in travel across the USA. I even started a small blog about USA only Travel

I realize that the USA has so many things to do and see, why go to another country and worry about terrorists or  passports or any of that stuff that just makes you more stressed. We've been to some places that you've probably been to like Ocean City or Hershey Park, and we've enjoyed our road trips, especially the one where we up and ran off like teenagers to the Florida Keys. That was fun and it was hard to come back to 20 degree weather after soaking in the sun for ten days.

Our next adventure will involve an RV, I just have to wait until the right time to let hubby in on that...

Places We've Been

Just a Few of our Favs
Love Road Trips on the Harley
Love Road Trips on the Harley
Ocean City, Md is one of our favorites
Ocean City, Md is one of our favorites
Ahh, Margaritaville
Ahh, Margaritaville
Period Actors are the Best!
Period Actors are the Best!
Orlando Florida
Orlando Florida
Fun Tour of the Zippo Factory
Fun Tour of the Zippo Factory
Peaceful Boardwalk
Peaceful Boardwalk

I Love To Blog!

You May Find Something Interesting Here!

By America For America
This is a blog about products Made in the USA by American Owned Companies. This has been a passion of mine for many years. I try to live by this creed and when I buy, I go out of my way to buy USA Made whenever I can.

Guide To Baby Boomer Health
Boomers hitting the big 50 and what to do next, what kinds of things to do to keep our health. I tried to deny it, but after a year of contemplation, I realized the best thing to do is embrace my 50's and blog about it!

Keys Vacations
This is my favorite because I had such a great time in the Keys, I can't wait to go back! I love finding new places and adding them to my blog.

USA Only Travel Guide
America has so many places to see and do that I wanted to focus on our great country. Here you'll find places that are not in the limelight but rather somewhere along the beaten path. Ghostowns, A Shoe House, Little Horses and so much more.

Halloween Party Ideas
This was one of my first blogs and you can tell. I never did get a chance to go back and work on it but if you need some ideas for having parties and if your on a budget you may want to see this one.

Videos I Took

I've Learned To Write About What I Know

Stories from the heart and other stuff you may like to know

Our Florida Keys Trip
This was our fun road trip to the Keys one winter. We couldn't help it, we drove to Florida and then just ran with it and wound up in the Florida Keys.

BattleShip New Jersey
This is a fun lens on the Battleship New Jersey. It's got some great photo's we took while on the battleship. You won't want to miss this featured lens!

Loving Our Elders
Stories about elders from my experience working in a nursing home. I took the perspective from the resident''s point of view.

Hotels in the Florida Keys
Here's a page you may want to read about: Hotels in the Keys. We stayed at a cool hotel right along the water. I put up a video on this page, check out the little birds...

Our Wild And Crazy Road Trip to the Florida Keys
One January we decided to go to Florida to get out of the cold and before we knew what we were doing (call it dementia) we headed on a great road trip to the southern most point of the USA. Here's a short story you will love.

My Sister RIP

My Sweet Sister Cindy
My Sweet Sister Cindy

Just Me

Well, this is me, just an ordianary gal who tries to do the best she can. I love my family with all my heart and would never change a thing. I value life and respect my elders. I love my country and my God. I love to write, meet new people and value my friendships with those I meet online and off.

I do love candles, but that's another story that I'll share someday! Thanks for checking out this page, I had a lot of fun making it.

You're Never Too Old To Play

Smart Ass

University Games Smart Ass -- The Board GameSmart Ass the Game is here. Have you ever played a game and been bursting to yell out the answer, even when it's not your turn? ...

$12.32  $11.09
XXXopoly - Adult Board Games

For couples looking to indulge in a heightened sensual connection, XXXopoly puts a naughty, sophisticated, twist on the game you loved growing up. Couples will find themselves ...

Only $79.9
Pocket Ungame - Couples Version

Pocket Ungame - Couples, card game

$13.12  $9.99
Updated: 04/23/2012, terrilorah
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terrilorah on 03/23/2012

Hi Bizlady,
Thanks for the comment. Looking back at all the stuff going on, I think you are right, my life is full but I wouldn't have it any other way. Can't wait to read your articles.

Guest on 03/23/2012

Hello and welcome to Wizzley.
You look to have a very full life.I enjoyed reading this.

terrilorah on 03/21/2012

Thanks for the welcome Jimmie, looking forward to be a part of this community.

Jimmie on 03/21/2012

Glad to meet you, Terri, and welcome to Wizzley!

terrilorah on 03/14/2012

thanks BrendaReeves, I am just loving this site, it's so easy to get around on it. I will take a look at your stuff too. Thanks for the compliment.

BrendaReeves on 03/13/2012

What a wonderful introduction. Welcome and I look forward to reading your articles.

terrilorah on 03/12/2012

Thanks Wendell, I think he is suspicious but I am going to have to "show him the money" first..

Wendell on 03/12/2012

Thanks for sharing your story.

I look forward to reading your articles. When are you letting hubby in on the RV trip?

terrilorah on 03/12/2012

Thanks Angel. So far I am loving the easy platform here. Nice to meet you too and can't wait to check out your writings.

Angel on 03/12/2012

So very nice to meet you! Welcome to Wizzley. I think you will find it a warm place where everyone is so helpful and nice. A great place to write. Look forward to your articles.

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