Google Colombia

by humagaia is the URL you enter to access the search engine Google Colombia, written in Spanish [español]. The homepage has search, images, videos, news, translation & Gmail.

Google Colombia is the 2nd most popular site in Colombia, after Facebook, and
about the 230th most popular site, worldwide.
An average of 0.415% of global internet users visit,
viewing between 6 and 7 pages per visit,
and staying for around 7 minutes.

Most of these users arrive direct at the site.

Google Colombia (

Site information

The audience demographics for, as compared to the general internet population, show positive for the 18-34 age group, graduate educated males, and negative for those over 35 with a lesser education background, and females browsing from school.

The negative browsing figures are particularly pronounced for the 45-64, no college, browsing from school, parameters.

Doodle 4 Google Colombia

(Data from Alexa as of 2012/01/31)

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Google Colombia screenshot

Google Colombia in Spanish
Google Colombia in Spanish

Overview, Office and Jobs

With slow access speeds from networks in Colombia, the fact that is slower than average to load may be a negative issue. Otherwise the database is comprehensive, so research is a major use for this search engine. The main areas visitors access are search, translation, news, accounts and books.

Although Google announced late 2010 that they would be opening offices in Bogotá, Colombia in the near future, due to the upturn in security and economy, I have not, as yet, heard that this has been implemented.

No address, at present, available.

The latest jobs at Google Colombia can be found at:


Google Bogotá

Colombia Wiki

Colombia, officially the Republic of Colombia, is a unitary constitutional republic comprising thirty-two departments. The country is located in northwestern South America, bordered to the east by Venezuela and Brazil; to the south by ...

Republic of Colombia

Geomorphology and Geography

Colombia is situated in the north-west of the continent of South America, lying between latitude 0º (the equator) and 10º north. It has a coastlines on the Pacific Ocean and Caribbean Sea. Coastal plains to the west are separated from tropical grasslands to the east, by the Andes. This mountain range splits into three ranges (the Cordilleras) in Colombia, and run north along the west coast, gradually disappearing towards the Caribbean Sea. 

Towards the Amazon river basin the vegetation changes to tropical forest.

The climates in Colombia include equatorial and tropical: influenced by altitude.

Bogotá is the capital.

Agriculture, mineral wealth and industry

Very little of the country is under cultivation although much of the soil is fertile.

The range of climates result in an extraordinary wealth and variety of crops: coffee being the most important.

Colombia is rich in minerals and produces about half of the world's emeralds.

It is South America's leading producer of coal.

Oil is gradually coming on tap: gold is mined in the east.

Exports include coffee and sugar, and there is a strong 'black' economy based on exports of illegal drugs.

The US and Colombian governments are spending billions of dollars fighting drug wars in Colombia. 

Maybe this money could be better spent paying the farmers a living wage to produce other crops.

Languages of Colombia

Language estimates from Ethnologue

The official language of Colombia is Spanish.

It is classified as Latin American Spanish by Google (es-419).

However, there are over 80 living languages spoken, and a further 20 with no known speakers. 

  • Spanish (~34 m) 
  • Wayuu (~135k)
  • Romani (~80k)
  • Páez (~80k)
  • Northern Emberá (~50k)
  • Guambiano (~24k)
  • Guahibo (~23k)
  • Awa-Cuaiquer (~20k)
  • Emberá-Catío (~15k)
  • Athuaco (~15k)
  • Islander Creole English (~15k)

If you would like to see it in English then use the following URL:

Embera Indians


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The Ethnologue: Languages of the World, 16th Edition is the comprehensive reference volume that catalogs all the known living languages in the world today. The Ethnologue has be...

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Translate English to Spanish

Google Colombia
Google Colombia
Google Colombia

Functions Google Colombia

The following functions are available from the top left of Google Colombia home page:

  • Búsqueda - Google Colombia web home page
  • Imágenes - search for images.
Google Play for Google Colombia
Google Play arrived in the USA on a bright and sunny morning. When will it be rolling out to the rest of the world? You will be in for a treat, whenever that may be.
  • Notícias (News) – search for Colombian news on any particular subject.
  • Gmail - access your account or register for a free account
  • Docs
  • Calendar
  • Traductor (Translation) - translate from/to 50+ languages
  • Libros (Books)

There is also a [más] link for more Google functions: Blogger, Reader, Videos.

Bottom of home page

At the base of the home page there are links to:

  • Programas de publicidad - Advertising programs
  • Soluciones Empresariales - Business solutions
  • Todo acerca de Google - 'About Google'
  • Privacidad y condiciones - Privacy and Conditions
Functions on Google Colombia home page

How to access Google Colombia can be accessed in several, as follows:

  1. Type '' for Spanish search results.

  2. If you are 'Colombian local' then click the '"Ir a Google Colombia" o "Ir a Google Colombia, en español" link at the bottom of the screen.

Firefox Google Colombia
Firefox Google Colombia

We can check your plugins and stuff

Viewing just pages from Colombia can be achieved using the Firefox browser (only in the Spanish version). Use the following Firefox URL:

You need not have Firefox as your browser to do this. When the Firefox page has loaded, make sure either the (Search) Buscar: 'páginas escritas en español' button or 'páginas de Colombia' is on, instead of the (Search) 'la web' button.

Latest Colombian News items.

Copy and paste the Colombian news item to for a translation
Bancolombia a la Mano dejará de funcionar: ¿qué pasará con su saldo y pagos? Lista de opciones  Caracol RadioNequi absorbe a Bancolombia A la mano: qué pasar...
Consulta marchas previstas en Bogotá conmemoración del 8M este sábado 8 de marzo  Alcaldía de BogotáConmemoremos el Día de la Mujer concierto gratis en la Me...

Google Spanish Speaking Country Articles

Google Venezuela home page is in Spanish [español]. Search, images, videos, maps, Gmail & news are the main functions used.
Updated: 02/05/2021, humagaia
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