Google Glasses

by TerriRexson

Google glasses are rumored to be appearing in 2012. They will run the Android OS an make augmented reality closer to mainstream.

I love technology. I love information. I get a bit panicky if I can't access the web. I want some Google glasses!

The rumor is that Google are working on glasses that run the Android OS and have a small display. Basically a small smartphone-like computer that you can wear.

I've been watching wearable technology for a long time. Since people would turn up at seminars with a huge 'portable' computer in a backpack and very chunky low-res screen on their arm. But we had to go through those stages to get to this.

I have to say I'm intrigued by Google glasses.

Project Glass

Google have released a teaser video (below) giving us a preview of google glasses technology. The technology has been created by Google Project Glass. 

We get to see scenes through the day of a google glasses wearer. Simple graphics are displayed and the wearer uses voice to interact with the glasses. 

There glasses are seen being used for:

  • Communication with friends including video
  • Local information
  • Memos
  • Navigation
  • Finding a nearby friend
  • Taking a photo and sharing it on g+
  • Playing music

Google Project Glass Teaser Video

Project Glass: More Information

Older information below. 

What Are Google Glasses?


According to the rumors, Google Glasses are thick framed designer-style glasses that run the Android operating system and offer a heads up display on a mini screen in the glasses. 

Google glasses will provide computer access from anywhere. 

Very interesting. If Google glasses become readily available it could progress augmented reality technology very quickly. 

HUD Google Glasses

HUD = Heads-Up Display

The glasses are being referred to as HUD Google Glasses (or Google Goggles!) where HUD = Heads-up Display. 

A heads-up display is one where a user looks where they would be looking anyway - i.e. head up. 

A heads-up display is usually transparent, like the ones used in aircraft and some automobiles. 

"The heads up display (HUD) is only for one eye and on the side. It is not transparent nor does it have dual 3D configurations"


Hmm, if the google glasses aren't transparent then they won't be able to overlay information over what the user is seeing. (Other than by using a camera and projecting both the view in the room and additional information to the small screen.)

I'm a bit surprised at the lack of a transparent display as wearable glasses with a transparent display have recently been demoed by Lumus and look very neat. (Lumus are selling the optical engine and expecting others to develop the glasses.)

Lumus-enabled wearable display hands-on

This sounds like a more impressive display

Uses for Google Glasses: Check Email on the Move

When I'm planning to meet someone I often need to check my email (or texts) for any last minute changes of plan, or just to confirm the location. It's a pain to have to pull out my phone to do this. 

Uses for Google Glasses: Comparison Shopping

Augmented reality

When I'm in a store I often use my phone to check prices. The Google glasses are rumored to have a camera so maybe they'll be able to read barcodes and do a quick online price check to see if there's a better deal available online.

Oh and reading QR codes too. This could make QR codes much more useful. This does start to be like augmented reality where we can access data relevant to our physical location. 

Uses for Google Glasses: GPS for People?

I have no sense of direction. This means it takes a lot of planning when I go anywhere. I don't drive (partly because of my lack of sense of direction.) My smart phone does make it easier for me to navigate, but it's a pain to have to carry it and keep looking at it, especially when I have other stuff to carry and kids' hands to hold. 

I'd love Google glasses to provide me with a GPS for people so I could easily navigate to places. I don't know if they'll have GPS or phone capability initially. 

Do You Love or Hate the Idea of Google Glasses?

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Love them. I want a pair.
jamesthomes on 02/25/2017

I love the idea of Google glasses,

BOB on 03/19/2012

there AWSOME

How Much Will Google Glasses Cost?

The NY Times reports that the glasses will cost about the same as a current smart phone. So several hundred dollars, but under a $1000 dollars. This would certainly make the glasses accessible to early adopters and entrepreneurs who might come up with cool ideas for using the glasses. 

"they are expected 'to cost around the price of current smartphones,'”


When will Google Glasses be Released?

It's too soon to know what the Google glasses release date will be. But NY Times expects them to be available by the end of 2012. In time to be a very cool gadget gift for Christmas. 

"the glasses will go on sale to the public by the end of the year"


Are Google Glasses Real?

The New York Times has been reporting on Google Glasses and the tech industry press have widely reported the Google goggles. 

The technology sounds plausible for Google to pull off. Google have a history of bringing new consumer technologies to market to push the Android operating system into new areas. 

I don't know. But it's possible. 

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Updated: 04/04/2012, TerriRexson
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What would you use Google Glasses for?

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BrendaReeves on 02/25/2012

Amazing! I predict that someday we'll have telephones implanted in our ears.

Thamisgith on 02/25/2012

Absolutely got to get a pair of these. Endless possibilities. Subtitles for talking to people in different languages etc.

An ear piece would be a natural extension maybe?

Sam on 02/25/2012

My main concern would be if that glasses would also send back information to Google, for example about where the person wearing them is at the moment. Google would, like always, say that it is just to make the user experience better, but I think it would be just another step into the 'Big Brother is watching you' direction ....

chefkeem on 02/24/2012

Hmm...deaf people could possibly see the transcript of an ongoing conversation? Amazing possibilities!

lakeerieartists on 02/24/2012

No joke, I saw a show where a guy create gloves that were also a phone, and patented them. A company took them up and started selling them for outdoor contractors, etc. Thumb had the ear piece, and the pinkie had the mic. Google glasses are probably not that far behind.

kaazoom on 02/24/2012

I thought this was a joke when i first read the title, now I'm not sure. I don't think Google glass would be something I would want, but then I didn't see much need for a mobile phone when they first came out.

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