Halleluia Chorus

by sheilamarie

Handel's Halleluia Chorus has long been a favorite musical offering for the Christmas season. Here is a different take on the Halleluia Chorus from Inuit circles.

A 5th grade school project in Quinhagak, Alaska, has made a big splash on the web this Christmas season.

Who would have thought so many people would respond so enthusiastically to the Christmas musical project of a group of kids who've managed to involve the whole community in their rendition of the Halleluia Chorus from Handel's Messiah?

Come see what all the buzz is about!

Alaskan Community Sings the Halleluia Chorus

Without Uttering a Sound

What a joyful community rendition of the Halleluia Chorus by Handel in the little Alaskan village of Quinhagak, Alaska!

I love the way the whole community is involved. The kids going down the slide is especially joyful to me as I remember the thrill of sliding as a child. That is something like the thrill one feels while singing the Halleluia Chorus, come to think of it -- that exhilerating feeling of flying and of not thinking at all of oneself but of the joy of song and the lifting of the spirit.

But in spite of all the classroom and outdoor play scenes, it's not just the children who participate in this rendition of Handel's Halleluia Chorus. The shopkeepers, the postal workers, and many others from the larger community take part as well. And they take part with both earnestness and quite a bit of humor. I can imagine some of them having practiced and trying hard to get it right (according to the piece's rhythm, that is). I can imagine others trying hard not to laugh out loud as they flip cards with abandon.

Having once been a teacher, I have it in my head (based on scanty evidence, I'll admit) that the teachers in the community were the ones who instigated this production. I could have that all wrong, of course, but I can't help seeing some teacher lining up a classroom of kids and explaining how he wanted them to flip their cards according to a specific rhythm. I can imagine them practicing, with some kids showing resistance until the silliness of it all took over and everyone wanted to participate.

Of course, it could have been a music lover in the community or a group of Moms who wanted to do something with their kids for Christmas and then it just spilled over to the whole community, but my bet is still on the teachers.

Alaskan Halleluia Chorus

Halleluia Chorus: A Community Spirit

A Village of Praise

There's something so right about having the Halleluia Chorus performed by an entire community. The spirit of the music and the spirit of the Christmas season is definitely something that involves an entire community. We can work hard at accomplishing a task as a group, and that work involves all the different personalities of which our group is composed. That work can also be done with humor and celebration.

We are entwined with each other in our every day-ness. We stand together and we fall together. And we need each other to get back up again.

Thanks, Quinhagak, Alaska, for the reminder.

Handel's Messiah

Listen to a Performance of Handel's Messiah

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Updated: 08/19/2012, sheilamarie
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CountryMouseStudio on 01/13/2012

This is just awesome and I agree with Jimmie's comment. What an inspired teacher.

sheilamarie on 12/16/2011

I'm glad you enjoyed the video. I have since discovered that the fifth grade students worked on making this video as a project. Quite a successful project, I'd say.

Michaela on 12/16/2011

What a great idea, thank you for sharing! :) I love the Halleluia Chorus. And this is the first time I really could make sense of the lyrics, too - in English anyway. ;)

Jimmie on 12/15/2011

Oh, thank you for sharing this with me! 9I actually teared up! Can you believe that? It makes me think of Revelation -- every tribe and tongue praising God around His throne!) I love to see people creatively worship of God. How unique, how original. How cute.

dustytoes on 12/15/2011

I can just imagine the fun these kids and towns-people had watching the end product after all that hard work! Very imaginative and clever. Thanks for the warm fuzzies.

ohcaroline on 12/15/2011

How wonderfully uplifting. Worthy of a second or third listen.

samsons1 on 12/15/2011

Love this season. I had seen this video in a recent email and was astounded at the vibrant spirit of the participants. Sorta makes us all want to join in and sing along...

Marie on 12/15/2011

What a fantastic video - thanks for sharing this. It really looks like they had a blast making this and it brought a smile to my face. Perfect for this time of year.

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