Handy Tips to Keep Your Skin Healthy in the Summer
by wizpro
It's essential to protect your skin when the summer sun is out, and here's how you can do it.
Think about how excited you get at the thought of summer. It inspires thoughts of outdoor vacations, camping trips, and going to the beach. It's the favorite time of year for most people, and a wonderful opportunity to spend time with your family. Of course now more than ever, you need to be really careful about looking after your skin during the summer. It's no longer acceptable to neglect summer skin protection because the statistics show is becoming a real threat. It's a tricky problem because results can be long-term and manifest themselves later down the line. So while you might think that nothing is wrong with your particular routine, it might take several decades to really see the impact. And by then, you'll really wish you did something earlier about protecting your skin in the summertime. Here are some basic things to remember that will help to keep your skin safe for a long time to come.
Avoid Washing too Much - some people get a bit too overzealous about their skincare routine during the summer, but this isn't the answer either. You have to remember that constantly washing your face isn't going to do you any favors when it comes to overall skincare. Obviously you want to preserve a level of hygiene, but over-doing it will definitely lead to drying and peeling. If you find yourself constantly washing your face because your skin gets oily are in the summer, it's better to find an astringent or toner that you can use in the middle of the day.
Not Enough Water - you are likely to be more active during the summer which means you have to keep an eye on your overall hydration levels. If you're walking more, going hiking, or simply playing with the kids, it's important to drink plenty of water and replenish your fluids. Skipping this step can have a variety of unhealthy consequences, and it will definitely impact a look of your skin. Even if you aren't particularly active, it's important to drink plenty of water because you'll be using more of it thanks to increased sweating.
The Right Lotion - it all boils down to finding a great product that agrees as your skin without aggravating acne or oil production. There are many sunscreens on the market these days, and it's important to find one that gives you enough strength for your particular environment. You can never overdo it in terms of protection level, so don't worry about picking something that's higher than you actually need. It's far better to leave yourself fully covered, and here are some suggestions for the best sunscreens around:
Some of the Best Sunscreens
La Roche-Posay Anthelios XL, SPF 40 - this is widely regarded to be the best general all-purpose sunscreen that gives you enough protection for all types of environments. It goes on smoothly and also asked to moisturize your skin without leaving you with that familiar greasy feeling.
California Baby No Fragrance Sunscreen Lotion, SPF 30+ - this is a great product that is designed more for the body than the face. It might be a bit too thick for use on your face especially if you are prone to acne, but using it on your body will definitely give you full coverage.
Hawaiian Tropic Tanning Creme Lotion - here's another popular choice from a company that is synonymous with safe Sun tanning. This is a throwback to a traditional Sun tanning lotion that works just as well has its more modern options.
Safe Tanning - you don't have to stay indoors and be as white as a ghost, but you definitely have to watch out for your overall outdoor patterns. If tanning is on your plate, then make sure to do it in a safe and responsible way. You'll also want to have moderation on the mind because there simply is no way to consistently can year after year without incurring some kind of damage. Even with the use of good sunscreen, kits always something you should think about. And if you happen to suffer from acne, remember that tanning is not a cure or treatment. Dealing with how to get rid of blackheads and acne takes a different type of approach because any benefits you see are due to a darkening of your complexion which masks the problem.
Be Responsible - it's entirely up to you how you want to spend your time in the sun, and no one is going to force you out of it. But at the end of the day, you'll be able to enjoy yourself longer - on a yearly level - if you're responsible under the sun. That means incorporating all of these tips while finding shade and taking a break from time to time. All you have to do is search for pictures of long-term sun damage and you'll see when you might be facing if you don't take care. Don't think that you are above these types of consequences because it can happen to anyone. The sun is more powerful than you could ever imagine and taking it for granted is dangerous.
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