Honey Badger Don't Care Gifts
by puzzlemaker
Looking for the perfect snarky Honey Badger Don't Care gift? Take a look at the best selection of funny gift ideas with a nod to the viral Honey Badger video.
Fun Honey Badger Gift Ideas
Taking a Comical Look at the Most Fearless of Creatures
Looking for a Honey Badger Don't Care gift item for you or a friend? These gifts are a nod to the ridiculously funny viral video of the Honey Badger on Youtube. It's not what the narrator Randall says, it's how it says it. It's all about the attitude of the Honey Badger. Yes, it is a fearless creature.
The most memorable line from the video is "Honey Badger Don't Care" and there are now some really neat gifts with this phrase including magnets, mousepads, keychains and more.
And it's true, this amazing animal has almost nothing to fear. Learn more about the Honey Badger and enjoy a comical look at its reputation and lifestyle.
Looking for more t-shirts? Find a full line of Honey Badger Don't Care T-Shirts here.
Honey Badger Don't Care? What Does that Mean?
Why is it such a Fearless Creature?
If the Honey Badger was a fish, it would be a shark. If it was a reptile, it would be an alligator. It is a fearless animal with few predators. It grabs up anything and almost everything and eats it. A mouse? A King Cobra? Honey bee larva? Yes. It will eat anything. It trots along without regard for any other animal. In fact it will simply grab up a mouse or Cobra and just start munching. Even a Cobra's bite isn't fatal. The honey badger will get knocked out for a moment, then get right back up and start eating the snake that has just bitten it. Other desert animals even hang around to get its leftovers. It scampers along or digs around and snatches up what it wants - it don't care!
If you've seen the video, did you blush a little but laugh at the same time?
The narrator gets carried away and throws in some colorful language
What Else Is There to Know About the Honey Badger?
Facts and Info about this Fearless Animal - What the Video Doesn't Tell Us
If you attempt to find an entry for the Honey Badger in an encyclopedia, it may well direct you to see "Ratel." The term Ratel has a Dutch origin and is pronounced with "a" long a like this: Ray-tell. Both names are acceptable.
Scientific name: Mellivora capensis with 12 subspecies identified.
Range: Throughout most of southern Africa, in Saudi Arabia, India and also Turkmenistan.
What does the honey badger eat? Generally carnivorous, their diet consists of rats, mice, frogs, snakes, insects, carrion, and bee larva to name a few, but they will also eat roots and berries.
What about that fur? The Honey Badger has a unique coloring among mammals with dark gray fur on the top of its body and black fur below. Most often the darker fur is on the top half of mammals. It's long loose fur allows it to move about quickly and freely and protects it from bee stings.
How big do they get? About 2. 5 feet long and up to 35 pounds.
Enjoy these related links:
Lots More Honey Badger T-Shirts
Tons of designs, colors and styles.
Bizarre T-Shirts
These will leave you scratching your head.
The Official Honey Badger Video
More Information on the Honey Badger
Honey Badgers in the News
Interesting (but strange) article from 2007 when Bristish forces were blamed for releasing Honey Badgers to "terrify the people" of Basra. This article names them the "world’s most fearless creature."
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Is this the first you've heard of Honey Badger Don't Care? Or have you seen it many times?
Honey Badger is something, isn't he?
hae not seen this viral video but love the attitude!!