How to Automate Your Twitter Tweets

by kiwisoutback

How to automate your Twitter account to send tweets while you're away.

Automate Your Twitter Account to Tweet While Away!

how to automate your twitter accountIf you've been using Twitter, you probably know that it's an easy way to network with like-minded people, say what's on your mind, help others, find information, and find friends. It also doesn't take much time, and it's simple. Twitter also works as an excellent part of your business marketing plan. For those that can't be at the computer all day, there is a way that you can automate your tweets. Automate your tweets when you're on vacation, at work, or if you'd just like a couple of days away, but would still like to remain "active" on Twitter. Read on to find some easy ways to send your account into autopilot temporarily, or just add some extra tweeting into your life when you're not by your computer!

Some Ideas for Tweets to Automate

Tweeting while you're away can result in some extra followers to your account. While you can't exactly network while you're not at the computer, you can still remain active with the Twitter crowd. Try:

  • Gathering information in the form of links to helpful resources in your niche, then tweeting them once or twice a day.
  • Bookmarking the sites most helpful to your business, then sharing those with your followers.
  • Offer a word of advice once a day, or as often as you can think of something. Schedule out your tweets and become regular with your words of wisdom so people expect to hear that advice on a daily basis!
  • Have a target audience that's asleep when you're awake, and vice versa? Automation might help greatly with that so you can hit your target audience (without losing too much sleep).

What Tweets You Should NOT Automate

Automating your tweets can have its benefits, but it can have its drawbacks. Obviously, you can't ask something like "how is everyone doing out there in Twitterland today?" when you're not there to respond back. It's also a good idea to avoid:

  • Tweeting links back to your own site over and over. This won't help you. In fact, it will hurt you. Watch your followers drop, and watch you get frustrated as your traffic declines!
  • Tweet too many times in one day. Yes, it's possible to overtweet. It can actually lead to less followers. I know I've unfollowed some users because they constantly are hogging my Twitter home page.
  • Tweet too close to the last tweet. Space out your tweets so you can hit a variety of people.
  • Being boring. Tweet about something new. Instead, try to tweet about something you know a lot about, or something funny.

Also remember that automating your tweets isn't a replacement for actually tweeting... you need to be a real live, actual person to interact, talk, read and thrive! Automation can help grow your Twitter following and business, but still must be attended to for any real benefits.

How You Can Automate Your Twitter Tweets - Recommended Links:

Twitter birds

More Twitter Resources:

Twitter Power: Dominate Your Tweets One at a Time

Twitter Power: How to Dominate Your Market One Tweet at a Time

A recommended book for beginners and Twitter users that have been using the site for a time, Twitter Power will tell you how to increase your brand, get noticed, develop a team, focus, profit, and create a vision of what you'd like to become.

$10.94  $12.0

For more ideas on how to promote your business, check out these free ideas, or visit Web Ascension today for tips on increasing your sales and using new marketing strategies online.

Updated: 11/27/2011, kiwisoutback
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Rose on 07/26/2012

I definitely agree you shouldn't overtweet - there's nothing worse for a follower to find their entire homepage filled with just one person's tweets making it hard to find anything by other people.

Jimmie on 11/28/2011

I use Hoot Suite which works well for scheduling ahead of time. Of course, the personal touch is desired at Twitter, so it's good to check in periodically and respond to your buddies' tweets and tweet your own personal thoughts.

chefkeem on 11/27/2011

Great resource, Kiwi. Thanks. :)
I use to schedule my tweets. Works great for me.

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