How to Save Money on a Quality Electric Food Steamer

by Regi_B

An electric food steamer can help you steam a complete, low-fat, "guilt-free" meal. For even less guilt, buy your steamer at great savings.

If you are serious about steaming your foods, then an electric steamer in your kitchen is worth strong consideration.

Electric steamers give you more steaming space than stove-top steaming cookware, and they offer you more versatility.

With a tiered electric steamer, you can steam multiple types of foods on different levels at the same time. Here is to variety!

If you want to buy an electric steamer and save money, this article is for you.

An electric food steamer is right for you, if you enjoy a meal with a variety of steamed foods.

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Electric Food Steamers Are...

The Best Electric Food Steamer for the Money

Based upon some research of Amazon customer reviews, I have to say that the best option for your money will most likely be the Oster 5711 Mechanical Food Steamer.

This model will give you a 6-quart cooking capacity, and the versatility to cook two different dishes simultaneously. Yum!

The average customer review score on Amazon is 4.3 out of 5 stars for this product. That means the $39 price tag (as of this writing) is well-spent on an item that is electric and reviews so well.

Expect high performance from the Oster 5711, at a price that will not leave you steamed.

How to Save Money When Buying a Quality Electric Food Steamer

It is not hard to find a good food steamer online that runs on electricity without paying a lot of money. In fact, one model is selling right now at Amazon for $16.

Alternatively, you can find electric food steamers at such places as Target and WalMart, but the selection at Amazon is quite broad, unlike other places -- you will likely save the most money shopping at Amazon for a steamer.

Some offline options for you involve going to garage sales and estate sales. You may have to search high-and-low for a good quality electric steamer at these types of sales.

If you hit a Goodwill Store on the right day, you can find a steamer, but this is not a typical, everyday item for them.

Finally, if you can find an electric steamer available at auction (where you will find better savings than Buy It Now pricing) on eBay, you have the opportunity to get a new one at a good deal.

Whichever path you take to your new cooker, I hope you have a steaming good time!

Electric Food Steamers on eBay

Updated: 06/04/2012, Regi_B
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Rose on 11/18/2013

Steamed food retains all it's nutrients - it's all good!

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