Statistics overview:
36 Wizers
28,500 page impressions
20,000 unique visitors
15 Wizers have 100 AS%
No Wizer below 60 AS%
Top viewed page: ~ 1750 PV
3 Wizers > 100 PV / day.
Wizzley is great - join with me!

Humagaia at Wizzley: 1 Month Update
by humagaia
After one month at Wizzley I thought I would record and disseminate my thoughts about, and statistics from, my time so far at Wizzley. So here goes....
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Humagaia 1st Month's Stats
Let's get the boring bit out of the way first.
I arrived at Wizzley on 22nd January 2012.
I am writing this 1st month update for my Wizzography on 22nd February 2012.
The reasons for writing this are two-fold:
- To give me a base line from which to work forward in my stay at Wizzley.
- To update others that may be interested, follow on behind me, and sign up under me, so that they too have an indication as to how one someone is doing at Wizzley.
I will reveal my stats at, on or about the anniversary of my arrival at Wizzley, after 1 month (this Wizer), 3 months, 6 months and 1 Year.
What you will not get is any information about my income. Not only is it against Google Adsense TOS, it is also not a guideline for your own earning capacity.
I write very few product Wizers.
My income at Wizzley is generated from Adsense, almost exclusively, at the moment.
The advent of the VigLink collaboration (Wizer 1, Wizer 2) has jolted me into progessing that income generating opportunity.
For Adsense income one needs to focus on positioning within serps: note I do not specify Google serps, although this helps.
My target audience is interested in either finding, or reading about, Google. I compete against Google. I do not expect to win against Google. Except to grab those readers that are searching from somewhere other than Google.
Later I will show you the visitor metrics for two of my Google Wizers - to give you an indication of the mix of search engines that I target.
Earning from Adsense is a matter of numbers, relevance, and targeting.
- Numbers: the more people that visit the greater the income opportunities.
- Relevance: getting them to you is a matter of writing a description that tells them that they will find what they are looking for at your blog entry.
- Targeting: using as many keywords, long and short, to give maximum opportunity to show at the top of search engine results pages.
I do not target Google per se for this. I target all other search engines.
The reason: Adsense blindness.
Those visitors from Google have seen the ads before, and probably dismiss them. Those that arrive from other search engines, such as those that consolidate results from several other search engines, may not show ads at all - those are the ones in whom I have interest. More on this in a separate Wizer.
Statistics Graph - End Month 1
![]() Humagaia's overall statistics |
Back to my stats:
- I have received 28,500 page-views from 20,000 unique visitors to date.
Between 25% and 28% of visitors have been designated as from Wizzley. This I would expect in the first month. But that means there have been around 75% of visitor number generated by what I am doing outwith Wizzley.
- So, 15,000 unique visitors and 21,000 visitors altogether (I am doing a simple extrapolation here, it is not scientific), have found their way to my Wizers from outside of Wizzley. This is due to a combination of Wizzley reputation and SEO; your assistance; and my SEO and marketing. I have not, as yet, implemented any 'white hat' back-linking (I don't do anything else) strategies other than to encourage the best opportunity to obtain natural back-links.
- The majority of my Wizers so far have been throwaway articles that I do not expect to generate income. This was a conscious decision allowing me to interact with the Wizzley community to see how it is functioning. A greater percentage of earning Wizers will be generated once I reach about 50, about the middle of March, or before.
- To date none of my articles have fallen below an AS (Article Score) of 50, and they have only been on that score for the first day of publication. The reason for this is that I market each one at the outset by posting to all the available platforms given me by Wizzley at the end of an article. I would add here that I have an established following on sites such as Twitter, Facebook and Google+ that pre-dates my arrival at Wizzley. This certainly helps.
- My interaction with the Wizzley community has brought dividends, in that, within 27 days my picture appeared on the front page of 'Best Authors'; I had 5 of the top ten 'Best Articles' at one point; many of my articles have been 'buzzing'; and more to the point I am collaborating with several good people, although they may not be aware, to create a buzz about the social media that should enhance the Wizzley brand as we move forward. Without that community interaction my stats would be the worse.
- Three of my Wizers are currently receiving just over 100 visits / day. This is good for the first month, and falls within my expectations. I would expect to see those numbers rise as time progresses. None of my articles receives less than 10 visits per day - the lowest is for my Wizzography, which I do not actively promote. The others I do, on a daily basis.
The earning Wizer stats above show the diversity of locations from which incoming visitors arrive at these articles.
Approximately 75% arrive from search engines that I target:, searchqu, mywebsearch, conduit, bearshare,, softonic, imesh, babylon etc.
Approx. 5% of visits are generated by Wizzley. This number will drop significantly - it has no bearing on income.
A small proportion of visits is made up of those arriving from my marketing efforts on Twitter etc.
Approx. 11% come from Google. This search engine is not targeted for visitors, but is on my target list for serps ranking. It has a significant impact on whether or not I rank on the other search sites.
As you can see from the screenshot's below some of my earning articles rank quickly in Google for competitive two-word keywords with high search traffic. This is thanks a lot to Wizzley's SEO and the reputation it has. We should all work to increase that reputation for the benefit of us all.
Ranked 4 Article
![]() Google Venezuela ranked 4 Humagaia "Paint" screenshot |
Now you may be thinking that the results shown are a reflection of personalized results due to it being me that is looking at them. Not so.
I do not use Google homepage to view my positions. I do not want skewed personalized results to blur my understanding of my rankings. I either use Scroogle, which of late has been blocked by Google, or more often, and now almost exclusively, search results pages generated for me personally, but not personalized by Google, using
If you don't believe what you see in the screenshot's do a Google search yourself for 'Google Venezuela' or 'Google Portugal'.
Article Ranked 6
![]() Google Portugal ranked 6 |
What Have I Learned In The First Month?
That's the stats out of the way for the moment. Now to get to the important stuff.
What has the first month at Wizzley taught me?
Quite a lot really, and most of it is good to excellent. These are the main things that are of interest to me:
- There is a core of excellent writers that have adopted Wizzley as their base for a significant portion of their online offerings. Many of them are refugees and immigrants from Hubpages, where they first created their online presence. They understand how to write for their market and how to earn from their product promotion.
- The community is generally active, considering the age of the site. This is engendered by the places that participants arrived from : Hubpages and Squidoo, where community activities were supported.
- Many potential writer's arrive but few now seem to embrace the opportunity and leave their participation on hold. Those that do embrace the opportunity seem to be seasoned writers from elsewhere.
- The Wizzley platform is excellent and the staff interaction is very helpful and encouraging. They are writer's themselves and understand what writer's require to enjoy the experience and earn a living, at the same time.
- The modules that are available to create your masterpiece are generally easy to use. There are features available that are not available elsewhere and these are useful and appreciated.
- The final product that is published is created with SEO in mind with regard to the optimization of the HTML. The rest is up to you.
- If you are here to earn money (the majority of you) then there is an unsurpassed, and increasing, set of earning opportunities available. These are available on a shared basis. Wizzley earns if you earn.
- Wizzley is not in the 'sandpit'. The SEO of the HTML seems to be favorable with regard to search engine algorithms - some of my Wizers went straight onto page 1 of Google serps - and this was for what you might consider to be for short-tail competitive keywords, examples above. This is very encouraging for someone who bases their main income opportunity on Adsense.
- The RSS function is very limited, for someone who utilizes RSS forthrightly. Some changes in this area would be appreciated.
- Personally, I prefer the Forum format at Hubpages, but as one who does not utilize this function often, I am not over bothered. I am pleased that the forum is not over-run by political and religious bigotry. I hope this is upheld, as I believe it to be one aspect giving Hubpages negative respect with Google.
- The one aspect of Wizzley that I would suggest could be kept an eye on is the number of accounts without any activity. Number of accounts is one thing, number of accounts with no activity is another. Perhaps removal of accounts where no writing activity has taken place, from the time of creation, for three months, could be implemented as a TOS addition.
Humagaia's Month 2 Plans
This will be succinct.
- Create another 30 Wizers, at least.
- Increase the percentage of earning Wizers.
- Develop strategies for maximising the VigLink opportunity.
- Test out new products to see if they can be sold from personal websites.
- Promote Wizzley as much as possible: the more that come, the more that will come.
- Continue with 'helpful' Wizers to enhance the 'community pulling together' and 'helping each other' aspects of my life at Wizzley.
- Begin to look at ways to get Wizzley going viral.
- Increase my visitor numbers for each earning article by promotion and 'white hat' SEM.
- Implement strategies to promote my earning Wizers such that they outrank my nemesis which has little content relating to the subject and should be demoted out of existence for the Google keywords that it ranks for, if Google actually could determine content quality over backlink hyping.
- Help others when they require. This may be pro-active or reactive.
- Enjoy.
All About Humagaia
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An excellent writeup, a source of encouragement too
SS - considered, on list, many other Wizers to come before that one though. There are already some that will give you a taster though.
Fun read! As a new Wizzley writer I am really inspired by these monthly updates I see on here.
You really target a lot more search engines and other forms of traffic than I normally see people going after. Have you considered writing a wizer on how you promote your articles and target them for this broader audience?
Mladen, it is always good to hear independent news that advice has brought positive results. You should also read Lissie's 'money earning at Wizzley' series, which has great advice. You should be aware that there are many ways to go about this writing lark, but you must always think why you are doing something, and is it the best way of doing it. In each case the answer is 'yes' if it is working to your requirements.
At the end of the day 'is the strategy bringing maximum benefits' is the only criterion we should be measuring. The answer to this is always 'no', as there can always be improvement.
Really impressive numbers, humagaia. No wonder your stats are like this. You are great writter, and your ideas and advices can help us all. I am implementing few of your tips from your other articles, and I can see results already.
Well done, and well earned!
@2uesday I agree, there is a good feeling, and I too believe it will go from strength to strength. If I can accelerate that process in any way, I shall. If I can influence anybody to assist that process I shall endeavour so to do. If I can help anyone trying to make their way in online writing then I shall do my utmost to achieve that goal.
I am glad that I have been able to pass on some information that you have found helpful. I am even more pleased that you have enjoyed reading my missives.
Thanks for taking the time to inform me, it does help to know that ones efforts have not gone in vain.
Good luck at Wizzley, I hope you have as much fun as I am having. Hope to see your articles flowing soon. I shall keep my eye out for them.
Athena - Wizer is my name for Wizzley articles. I am trying to cultivate people away from calling them Wizz's. Wizer implies 'wiser' and should be pronounced thus.
Please keep using Wizer, it may catch on.
Otherwise, welcome, glad you got to me early in your time at Wizzley.
Humagaia, this was very interesting to read as I have just joined Wizzley and written my first page today.
I am very much looking forward to learning Wizzley and interacting with all who write here.
Already you have taught me that what we write is known as a "Wizer", not a "Wizz" as I first thought, so thanks for straightening me up on that. Wizz does sound kinda funny, though cute.
Off to write another Wizer and explore all of the module options to see what I can come up with.
@Brenda, don't get too close mind. Especially after you get your uplift! Wouldn't want to be the reason behind a disaster!
Thank you humagaia. This gives me a lot of incentive to keep my nose to the grindstone.