I am a Poet
by Jewelsofawe
my poetry has been a way to express myself in a creative and artistic way
I Write Poetry
I am a poet. I have written poetry since I was 12 years. I don't write it now unless something moves me to do so. For instance when my grandfather died a year ago my grandmother asked me to write a poem about him, so I did.
For me poetry has been a vehicle of intimacy. As I have written through out my life I have actually learned more about myself, others and life through the words that would come from me. It presented a way to look in more depth at myself, thus the intimacy of getting to know thyself.
When I was about 18 I stopped writing poetry and I had a sudden urge to write a poem at 23 after many years of not writing as I was breast feeding my second daughter a poem needed to come out. I actually asked my husband to get me a pencil and paper as I had to get the poem out now and not wait so I would not forget the words. I wrote it in about a minute or two. The words just poured out. The title of the poem was I am Woman. It is not in any of my books. It starts out:
I am woman
Hear my voice
Let it be silenced no more
See me in all my glory
Feel my power
I am woman
There is more to it, but that is how it started. It was a poem about honoring myself as a woman and speaking up for myself. From that poem I went on to write many more, most of my poetry in my books is from the year 2001 and beyond when I was in my thirties. Poetry to me is symbolic and one needs to understand the symbolism in it to understand what it is saying. For instance in one of my poems I write about Purple skies which means passion. It really depends on the what the feel of a certain poem is as to what each word means. A number of my poems are inspirational in nature.
I will put some of my poetry on here for you to see. You can also see a few poems on my page: Who is Jewelsofawe here at Wizzley.
The Collective
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The Collective by Patricia Sanders (B... lulu.com Only $9.95 |
Poetry for and from the Soul
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Poetry For and From the Soul Create Space Only $9.99 | Poetry For And From The Soul: A Colle... CreateSpace Only $14.95 |
Poems by Me
This is the poem I wrote for my Grandad after he died.
When I Think of You
When they told me you may be leaving us
So many memories of my life with you
Came to my mind
When I think of you
I think of family
All the vacations we took
Motorcycles in the desert
Three wheelers, two wheelers, that side car
You loved so much
And the way you would make it go up in the air
It would give me a pretty good scare
But it had a television in it
So, it was pretty cool to be in there riding along with you
When I think of you
I think about
All the things you loved to build
Best of all for me was the dollhouse you made
When I was ten
Furnished with thoughtful touches
You loved us like that
I think some may have missed
The beauty in your heart that makes you want to
Do things like build a butterfly house or a doll house
It is all out of love
When I think of you
I think of airplanes
You loved to fly
I speak often of the time I was 4 years old
Sitting on grandma's lap co piloting with you
You let go and made me think I was driving the plane
I was so scared
But you were always there
You always cared for all of us
When I think of you
I think of orange trees on the farm
Of Christmases come and gone
Of memories that live on
Your wacky humor I have pictures of
And I am so glad
We said to one another
I love you no matter what
Because I do
What Sudden Songs
I don’t know
What sudden songs
Of nature sing
Quiet, though it may seem
Slightly restless
Wandering westward
The horizon of the sun
He sleeps next to me
At night
Sweet face
Lying where I sometimes stare
What dreams
Keep him here?
Seeds of Joy
Into being
Of a garden
Planted with seeds
Of joy
Growing into
Full blooms
Of peaceful contentment
Into light
Filled of
Endless beauty
Open Channels
He stands so strong
In the open channels
I explore
Cascading through the door
A lightning bolt
Striking cautiously
He opens books
To remind himself
Is not perfection
A slight oversight
Taken to correction
Some days
He sings
As wild fire
Other days
He whispers
And I must strain
To hear
His timid voice
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Lovely poetry! You're talented in so many areas!
Beautiful poetry...beautiful photography. You are a very talented lady! I always enjoy your Wizzley's and lenses.