Let's face it: we all have times when we need a little extra encouragement to keep on the right path. Fighting distraction is a constant battle. It helps when we have words readily available to keep us focused on what is really important.
A poster displayed by our desk or near us as we wake in the morning can help us keep the focus that lifts us. We can better keep the teaching to "pray always" when the words of prayer meet our eyes throughout the day.
Maybe you have a special quote that touches your heart. It's easy to search the Zazzle site to see whether someone else has already made a poster with those words. If you find the words, but there is another image on Zazzle that you prefer, you may be able to change the words on the poster image you like to your chosen quote by clicking the "Customize It" button on the Zazzle image. Then you can add the quote you want, and, presto, you'll have the perfect poster suited for you.
Or you may want to make a poster using a photograph or piece of art work you've made yourself. That's easy to do as well. If you don't already have a Zazzle account, it's easy to set one up. Then by clicking "Create" you will be able to make posters and other products yourself.
There's a kid in all of us, Abby. Lots of these Zazzle designs are available in card forms, too, if you'd prefer to send the quote to a friend.
I really am a fan of quotes, and there's no greater source of quotes than the bible. I like your idea of posters. I haven't had a poster on my wall since I was a kid. Maybe it's time for a change lol
You're right, Kinworm. The right quote can really give you the boost you need.
You can get useful information on the bible at http://www.VirtualHolyBible.com
I love inspirational quotes and posters. My favorite is a quote from Audrey Hepburn: 'Nothing is impossible, the word itself says "I'm Possible"!' Having this pinned above my computer has kept me going even when it seemed that my efforts were going no-where. It's finding a quote that resonates with you.