The Most Polite Cease-and-Desist Letter Ever Turns Book Cover Into Collectors Item

by Jerrico_Usher

Jack Daniels Wiskey Brand Noticed A Book Copying It's Trademarked Bottle Design Artwork And Sent A Cease and Desist Letter To The Author- But It's Not What You'd Expect!

This is definately one for the books! (pun intended). Usually when a company, entity, or individual blatently copies another companies trademarked designs they can expect to recieve,in a number of ways, a cease-and-desist letter in legaleese, and not very pleasant. If the person being stolen from/copied is a small business this letter is very unpleasant to recieve, often including threats and what not.

This wasn't the case today with Jack Daniels. The letter this person recieved was so polite you could have read it to your kids at bed time! The pleasant demeanor and incredible understanding they showed was simply incredible and nothing like you'd expect.

They basically told the guy that although they were flattered and could understand the pop culture appeal of the brand, that they'd appreciate it if he'd change his cover art- ON THE NEXT PRINTING.

No, remove all copies from the shelves and pay us a royalty for stealing our art work thus popularity!


See The Similarities?


Jack Daniels Vs. Author Art

The Actual Cease-And-Desist Letter He Recieved

Cease and Desist Letter

Get Your Copy Of This Soon To Be Collectors Edition Book (still copies on Amazon!)

Broken Piano for President
Lazy Fascist Press
$7.18  $3.75

The Story

A guy named Patrick Wensink decided to create the cover of his book "Broken Piano For President" he decided to copy almost verbatim the trademarked artwork well known and found on Jack Daniel's Whiskey bottles.

Although he claims he didn't expect a cease and desist letter, he sure got one. I would think copying that much of the artwork would be obvious- but maybe he thought he could get away with it?

Jack Daniel's Properties were on the ball and saw it pretty much right away. Many printings of the popular book are out there but the company politely asked him to change the cover on NEW PRINTINGS of the book- but that he could keep the current versions including digital, but that they'd be grateful if he'd do it sooner.

The typeface is different but the overall artwork is identical in every way.

What blows me away is that the company is even offering to pay for the retooling/redesign of the book cover change! What?! Wow.


In Conclusion...

This may be a bold move to bring the company face some recognition for being "not like all those other companies"... It certainly got publicity and the guys books are flying off the shelves! Patrick himself said with a sheepish grin of excitement, This baby is about to become a collectors item! (and he won't be sued for it, meaning he basically got away with it and got publicity on top of that!).

Who knows, maybe this incident will provoke more companies to be more polite about how they handle these issues. Granted nobody likes a plagerizer/theif, but in some cases (not this one) the mistake is honest... for example 8 years ago I purchased a domain name "", and what I was doing was teaching people to become eBay powersellers, I had no intensions of stepping on anyones trademarks, but the "eBay" in the domain name provoked a quick cease and desist letter and they weren't even a bit polite about it- threats all over the place.


Learn About Jack Daniels History

Blood and Whiskey: The Life and Times of Jack Daniel
Only $20.85
Updated: 07/30/2012, Jerrico_Usher
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JoHarrington on 09/08/2012

I remembered that I'd had some Jack Daniels for my birthday. It's not one that I've sampled much of (except when I was in the States). I'm trying it again now.

Very perfume-y smell. Mild taste. Quite sour, but that's good. Yes, I could certainly partake of this again.

Jerrico_Usher on 09/08/2012


JoHarrington on 09/08/2012

Wow! I really like that! It's done Jack Daniels a power of good in my estimation too. I'll bear it in mind next time I am humming and awwwwing about which whiskey to buy. (And I do buy a lot of whiskey!)

Jerrico_Usher on 07/30/2012

Awesome turn of events huh?

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