King Arthur's Stonehenge campaign to return the bones

by BardofEly

Druid leader and eco-warrior King Arthur Pendragon is campaigning to get the bones of the ancient dead returned to Stonehenge.

King Arthur wants to bring back the ancient dead
Druid and eco-warrior King Arthur Pendragon has been leading a high-profile picket based at Stonehenge with the intention of getting the remains of the ancient dead returned to their resting place.
King Arthur said: "Let those we lay to rest, stay to rest."
Button badges for King Arthur's campaign proclaim "Bring back the ancient dead!"

King Arthur and Bard of Ely at Stonehenge

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bard of Ely and King Arthur

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The Guardians of Stonehenge

The Ancestors

Remains of the ancient dead that were buried at Stonehenge were removed by archaeologists and it was said that after carbon dating them they would be returned. However, this has not been done and the remains of the bones of the ancient dead have been held at Sheffield University.

King Arthur and other druids and pagans refer to these bones as those of ancient ancestors. Stonehenge is regarded as temple for druids and pagans. The ancestors who were buried there are believed to be the guardian spirits of Stonehenge and were meant to remain where they were buried.

King Arthur and fellow protesters organised a petition which has been signed by a large number of people. A question on the petition asks those who sign it to sate their religion and King Arthur was proud to be able to announce that the petition had signatures from over 60 people from different religious pathways and beliefs.

Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Druids, Buddhists and a Satanist all agree that the remains of the dead should be left to lie in their resting places. As King Arthur points out: "This matter transcends religion."

All over the world there are other remains of the ancient dead that have been removed from tombs and sacred resting places. Mummies, skulls, bones and objects buried along with the bodies of the deceased, are in museums and collections of archaeologists when surely they belong where they were originally placed? If King Arthur can win his campaign the result will be a first and will be able to be used in other cases where people are seeking to get the remains of ancestors returned to their tombs and graves.

King Arthur at Stonehenge protesting for the return of our Ancestors

Arthur Pendragon's Stonehenge campaign to return the bones of the Ancient Dead

King Arthur Pendragon posters

Prints and posters of King Arthur

Lou Purple Fairy is helping raise funds at Zazzle

Financial support for King Arthur's campaign

King Arthur Pendragon is a "renunciant" and having changed his name by deed-poll many years ago from John Rothwell to King Arthur Uther Pendragon he has refused to sign on and draw any money in the form of benefit. He is fully employed as being King Arthur and the titular head of his Druid Order the Loyal Arthurian Warband. Unfortunately such a job does not pay and King Arthur relies on the goodwill of others to support his needs.

Maintaining his picket at Stonehenge daily and throughout all forms of weather is tough going and King Arthur clearly cannot do this without basic needs like food and drink which he gratefully accepts as donations. 

Funds are needed to keep the picket going and Lou Purple Fairy has come up with a great way of raising money for this purpose. She is donating all the proceeds from sales of her designs at to funds for King Arthur's picket at Stonehenge.

You can visit her shop at the link below and see Lou's great designs on Zazzle merchandise.

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Welcome to Lou Purplefairy's Shop! I am Lou Purplefairy, a professional artist/photographer/designer and writer. I am also a psychic tarot reader and spiritual counsellor.

Copyright © 2012 Steve Andrews. All Rights Reserved.

Bard of Ely talking about King Arthur's Stonehenge campaign

Bard of Ely supports King Arthur's picket
Updated: 10/27/2012, BardofEly
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BardofEly on 10/28/2012

Thank you for commenting! Yes, studying and dating the bones can be expected but they should be returned after this has been done.

wrapitup4me on 10/28/2012

This is certainly a worthy campaign and I wish King Arthur success. This would certainly be a worldwide "first". I agree we need research but museums and universities should respect the cultures they study and return the bones to their resting place.

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