As all sports or exercise program progresses over the years, so does the clothing and especially the footwear.
With literally hundreds of thousand of people enjoying regular Zumba classes, the techniques and type of Zumba training has tacken it's toll on the feet and ankles, so much so that the development of new and better designed footwear became essential for every Zumba dancer.

Latest Shoes for Zumba
by TonfaGuy
Do you enjoy Zumba Dance Workouts. Are your normal 'trainers' having difficulty keeping up. Now's the time to look for the latest shoes for Zumba.
What are the Latest Zumba Shoes
As we start 2013, the latest developments in footwear are now available, designed specifically for the moves associated with your Zumba routines. This year unveils the latest Zumba shoes.
If you have read any of my other Wizzley pages on Zumba Apparel for 2013 - Zumba Music Playlist or Zumba Workout Videos you will know that I get my information from my Zumba mad wife, who has a pair of the Z-Kickz and recently bought a pair of the new Z-Kickz High Top which I am reliably informed "give her much better ankle support" - there are also some Zumba moves, where the foot slides and these High Tops prevent the foot slipping inside the shoe as well - again, information gleamed from my wife.
The actual shoes themselves are, of course, top quality build. Designed to withstand the moves and routines of the various Zumba routines.
So let's take a look at whats on offer for 2013
Fresh off the starting blocks (excuse the pun) we have these great Zumba workout and dance shoes that fit you exactly where you need it.
There's the Zumba Fitness Women's Z-kickz High Top Sneaker & the Zumba Women's Z-Kickz original Dance Shoe.
Both great shoes with the Z-Kickz originals coming in a choise of black or white (the black, shown here, also has a nice blue strip at the heal area. The white is hasn't.
The Z-Kickx High Top are only available in the black with the neat white strip around the heal area. (shown below)
Both of these new High Top Z-Kickz and the Z-Kickz Original shoe designs have the great, unique and stylish Zumba logo on each side and, in typical Zumba fashion, they are bright and loud..! I think the founder, creator and choreographer of Zumba, Alberto "Beto" Perez, does this deliberately to stay in keeping with the flamboyant image that is Zumba. As with latest Zumba shoes, most of the new Zumba Apparel for 2013 is, as always, fantastic bright colours
Overall verdict on the Latest Zumba Shoes
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Love the Zumba shoes, I enjoy Zumba almost everyday. It's a great work out and yes the right shoe is important to avoid foot injuries. Thanks for the great review, the page looks amazing. :)K
These zumba sneakers are fun! But they're also pretty expensive!