Lavender Oil Uses

by lou16

Lavender oil has been called a first aid kit in a bottle so let’s examine the many lavender oil uses. From headaches to chest problems lavender oil has a range of health benefits

Lavender oil not only smells great, but it's good for an enormous range of things as you'll be able to read below. In fact it was the use of lavender oil by chemist Rene-Maurice Gattefosse that is credited to the coining of the phrase aromatherapy.

Lavender oil contains antiseptic, analgesic, anti-depressant, anti-rheumatic, anti-viral, carminative, decongestant and nervine properties among others which is why it's so highly regarded in the Aromatherapy World.

The Many Uses of Lavender Oil

Lavender oil has more uses that any other oil and, because of that, it is sometimes referred to as a first aid kit in a bottle.

Lavender can be blended with most other oils as it loves company and actually seems to enhance the healing ability of any oils it is combined with.

Lavender Oil Can Be Used For Headaches

If you suffer from headaches or migranes Lavender oil is an absolute godsend. As soon as you feel a headache coming on put a little lavender oil on your index fingers and massage it into the temple. You could call it the aromatherapy asprin!

Lavender Oil is useful as a Relaxant & to Help with Insomnia

Lavender is also what is referred to as a calmative oil and helps to settle babies. If your baby is having trouble sleeping then put a diffuser in his/her room with lavender oil or lavender and chamomile combined and you will notice that s/he will sleep a lot better.

If you do not have a diffuser put a couple of drops of lavender oil on a cotton ball and place it under the sheet near the head area so that baby can breathe it in.

If you suffer from insomnia yourself you can also try and sleep with a diffuser in your room or use a lavender pillow.   If I’m worried about something such as an upcoming interview, exams etc then I’ll often have a bath with a few drops of lavender in it before going to bed and it works like a treat.

Lavender Oil is Really Useful as a Stress Buster

Lavender basically helps to balance the nervous system, helping with stress, insomnia (as we mentioned above) and hypertension.   There are a number of different oils which can help with stress, but lavender is not only one of them, but is (in my opinion) the most important one.

Lavender oil can help with all of these stress related conditions -

  • depression
  • headaches
  • high blood pressure
  • migraine
  • insomnia
  • nervous tension

As well as helping with these conditions on it’s own, Lavender oil is an oil that will help some of the other stress busting essential oils, such as geranium and chamomile, to work even better at helping to control stress levels as well as helping with stress induced conditions. 

Use Lavender Oil for the Respiratory System

Lavender oil is also used for the respiratory system. It will help to ease sinuitis, asthma, influenza, bronchitis, whooping cough and fevers.

For sinus problems use a drop on your finger and massage the sinuses for relief.

For chest problems you can add a few drops of lavender to a bowl of hot water and hold your head over the bowl with a towel over your head and bowl and inhale. You could also put 5 drops of lavender oil in 10ml carrier oil (such as sweet almond) and rub onto the chest.

Combine with tea-tree or eucalyptus and use in a diffuser for relieving congestion at night when sleeping.

Lavender Oil can be Used for the Reproductive System

Lavender oil is also very helpful for the reproductive system. Using a diffuser during childbirth will help to even out contractions, as a massage oil it also has analgesic properties.

Lavender also helps to harmonise and regulate menstuation. Putting 20 drops in a bath or using it in a massage oil (5 drops per 10ml of carrier oil) on your stomach are good applications.

Do You Use Lavender Oil?

Aromatherapy Supplies to Help You Use Your Lavender Oil

Personal Aromatherapy Diffuser

Aromatherapy is the use of pure essential oils, which are potent and concentrated extacts of leaves, flowers, fruits, spices, roots, and woods. These complex, highly fragrant ...

Only $25.12
Nature's Alchemy Sweet Almond Oil, 100% Pure, 16 fl oz (473 ml)

For cosmetic use only. Sweet Almond oil is probably the most popular base for massage oils because of its luxurious emollient feel and its ready absorbability. It is used both ...

$14.53  $14.49

The Many Uses of Lavender Oil

As I’ve said there are many different uses of Lavender oil which I’ve listed for you which is one of the reasons I think Lavender oil is a must have in every home.   There is another reason why it’s good to have Lavender oil around that has nothing to do with it’s usefulness – it just plain smells great!

Updated: 07/19/2012, lou16
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crosscreations on 10/18/2011

There's a lavender farm near me, and the folks there told me about also using lavender as insect repellant, worked great for me!

happynutritionist on 10/15/2011

I have the oil, but have enjoyed using sachets with the flower buds too...nice and soothing on the pillow at night.

sheilamarie on 10/11/2011

Lavender oil really does wonders! Thanks for your catalogue of all its uses.

catgypsy on 10/09/2011

I have always believed in the therapeutic values of oils and love lavender. I learned some new things about it from your page. Thanks for the information!

Holistic_Health on 10/09/2011

Lavender is my favorite scent. I'm always looking for another reason to use it.

Mujjen on 10/09/2011

I will buy lavender oil, sounds like it's really good for a lot of things.

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