Mental Stamina For Writers- Part 5 - Learning To Write Subconsciously For More Efficiency

by Jerrico_Usher

When it comes to writing the most important thing to keep sharp is your ability to think creatively and cleverly

When it comes to writing the most important thing to keep sharp is your ability to think creatively. Creativity is actually a component of the subconscious mind and thus to access it you have to bypass the conscious filters and just let it run wild. You do this by distracting the conscious mind and not depending on it to complete a task- that's the job of the subconscious mind if you let it (and there is no fatigue in using this).

Conscious creativity is like riding your car with the parking break half way up, sure it works but it will wear you out in the process because your conscious mind is consistently filtering it to the point where most of it doesn't get through. Think of it as the difference between listening to an audio book and reading intensely on the screen. Accessing your subconscious mind is a skill set that takes time to develop but the best way to do this naturally is to learn to multitask well.



When You Multitask Your Conscious Mind

Is Busy With Other Things 

Your Subconscious Mind Can Become Free To Type Away On Your Article...


 One way to do this is to start typing with a concept in mind but try to daze off and not think too much about the conscious act of writing. Just start typing into the screen and you will be amazed at what comes out of your fingers when you barely pay attention.

This helps to rev up your mind like coffee. It's taking action and just engaging the mind in something creative. Your desire won't forget what you need, and it will taper into that once your warmed up. You can write about anything including just thoughts in your head you want to write down!


When you do this you do not have to actually focus on what your writing. This is where most people make the mistake and wear out their brains. Your subconscious mind is an incredible tool. It runs your entire body while you do other things and it can easily write while you think about your day or other things.

The amazing thing is with practice you can stare at the screen as you type even catch typos and things not sounding right, but simultaneously your not even paying too much attention to the topic your writing about. Your subconscious mind has it all figured out, you just need to let it have a voice- through your fingers not your conscious mind so much. 

If you have researched the topic then your mind has all it needs to do the work on auto pilot! The idea here is not to produce a masterpiece the first go, the idea is to get FRESH writing out of your head and you can then bother your conscious mind during proofreading!

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The secret to those people who can punch out incredible amounts of creative work that is high quality and unique is that they don't spend time trying to filter their writing, and they don't read it as they type it other than watching for the spelling of the words and so on. When you type in a sort of trance state your subconscious mind flows through your fingers while your conscious mind daydreams about other things.

You can always go back and change your writing but the thing about this is often you will notice it comes out pretty good the first run. It is also much easier to polish off an article than it is to generate a new one.

When you learn to write in trance states you free up your mental concentration and just flow like your watching television. Since the conscious mind is not engaged in the writing to any hard degree you don't become tired as quickly and the work comes out virtually unfiltered by the conscious filters.

The conscious filters often filter out too much and the work becomes a bit rough. Learning to tap into the creative centers of the mind this way will not only speed up your efficiency, make writing more natural and enjoyable, and improve the uniqueness and compelling quality of your work, but it will give you a break AS you write, not after. The fingers don't tend to get tired as fast as the mind does.

I tend to think of this kind of writing as conversational writing as it flows out as naturally and effortlessly as a good conversation. When you go back and read your words you will be astonished how fresh they will feel. There are times when I can't believe I wrote what I did, it simply feels like I'm reading someone else's words!

Updated: 12/04/2012, Jerrico_Usher
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