They grow up so fast. You know this is true while you watch with amazement as your toddler or baby learns something new and magical each moment they're at play.
The toy developers understand how vital it is for parents to take advantage of these learning moments. Toy makers develop new and improved learning toys all the time.
Follow along as we take a look at the favorite toys offering the most in fun and learning for your baby or toddler.
Chat about the best learning toys for babies and toddlers.
kajohu, The baby Einstein walk along is a priceless toy every toddler should have. It works to keep them both occupied and moving around without frustration yet stimulating learning as when they reach an obstacle say a wall, piece of furniture, they don't get upset yet turn to the many fascinating functions the toy offers, It's a win win for both parents and grand baby. I'd def wanna be the grand parent who got the grand child this walk along toy. It will be much appreciated. You have a good eye.
I'm looking at these baby and toddler toys with great interest since I'm the very, very proud grandmother of a 10 month old sweet baby boy. His mother is already starting to plan his 1-year birthday party, and I want to buy him gifts that his mother will also approve of. Right now I'm especially interested in the Sit-and-Stand Walker and the Baby Einstein take along tunes.
2uesday, It is amazing what advances toys have made and the learning and development edge they afford babies and toddlers.