Webanswers has been a great place to work for me nearly everyday the last few months. I've only discovered this on-line writing world about six months ago, so getting Adsense didn't seem achievable at first.
After some time though writing for some sites that led to no-where, I decided to check out Adsense again. This time I figured out a plan to get approved. Although through Webanswers a user can apply for Adsense after just 50 answers, I decided to use Blogger.
Since I was approved for Adsense, I was able to make money from Webanswers, and it has been the biggest money maker for me since. In this article, I'll share my experience and tips.

Make Money With Webanswers
by Lowdown0
If you like to answer questions and make money, then Webanswers is a great place to be. Make money through Google Adsense, and it's easy to get started.
Getting Started On Webansers
Getting started on Webanswers is as easy as signing up and then answering questions. You get your own profile page where you can put a website as well. There it will have all your stats.
You start of as a beginner, then move up to contributor, then authority, professor, expert, and then brain. These levels depend on how many questions you have answered and asked since you began. This number is under your profile picture every time you answer or ask a question.
They have different sections of subject matter you can choose from to answer a question which you may have some knowledge in, or you can simply go to the home page and see which questions have been asked recently from all the sections. The questions will have the number of times they have been answered, who asked it, and the number of times it has been viewed.
You click on the question, and then you can read the other answers, if you have something to add, then there is a section below where you type in your answer and submit. The answer will be posted immediately except in rare times, when maybe you are new and are putting links which admin. has to verify first.
I decided to create a blog at blogger to get approved at Adsense which worked out well. If you already have Adsense, then you can put your pub-ID in the settings section and then start making money from the ads right away. Personally I waited until I had over 50 questions answered before I added my Adsense account, just to be sure it would go through and be fine.
How to make money on Webanswers
Three main ways
There are three main ways to make money on Webanswers:
- Answer questions
- Referrals
- Asking questions
The best way to make money is to answer a question and get the best answer reward, which the person asking the question awards you if they think it deserves it. Now, questions don't have to be awarded a best answer, but if you do get rewarded a best answer, then you will get all the Adsense revenue from that page.
If there is no answer selected as a best answer, then everyone who answered the question will share the revenue which comes from that page. There are probably at least half of the questions which have no rewarded answer, which is good in a way, because if you answered it you will get something from each however long it gets views.
The referral incentive is good, offering 10% of what those who sign up under your referral link make. This may take awhile for your referral to get a payout, but when they do get their Adsense payout for $100, you will get $10 from them. This is more of a long term strategy. Most people who sign up do not become prolific, but if you do happen to get a strong earner, this could mean a good amount for you on top of what you make, and it takes no money away from them of course.
The third way to make money is to ask questions. Webanswers doesn't clarify on how much you'll make from asking questions, except to say it's a small amount. Still though, this is a nice incentive to be active on the site. Also, you will find asking a question and getting people to answer it the best they can, will mean you get a good answer to pressing questions you have about any topic.
Tips and Overview for Webansers
Webanswers is a fun site to make an extra $50 a month from by working about 20 minutes a day. According to Alexa, it is ranked 14,800 in the US about, and 29,000 globally. So it doesn't have a bad web presence, and you might have seen it already show up in your web searches, that is how I found it.
I usually answer about 3-5 questions a day on average, and it takes me about 15-30 minutes each time. From this, my Adsense makes about $1-$6 a day from about 300-500 views each day. As of now, I have about 320 questions answered and am an authority on Webanswers. Some of the top users on Webanswers have 20,000 answers, so just think about how much they might make.
Another great aspect of Webanswers is you can add back-links to your sites if they are relevant to the question of course and are within Adsense TOS. This helps you get views on your sites and provide authority for your site, as well as helps answer more questions and get the reward too.
Make sure to give full answers, which are about 100-400 words long, at least a couple paragraphs if can. Although it's not mandatory, it will help your chances to get awarded answers and help the site and you make more money in the end. Also, if you are trying to get approved through Webanswers, then make sure you leave 50-75 full answers that are relevant and good, to insure you get approved for Adsense.
As of now, Webanswers is my best earner for my Adsense account, it's a great way to add another site to build up the balance to get to that $100 payout thresh hold quicker. It doesn't take too much time and it is fun to use. Everyone has some answers in some subject, so come join and make some money with me.
Click here to sign up to Webanswers
Another Look at Webanswers:
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you go it, after the initial use of it, I began to go away too. But then I started getting close to a pay out from Adsense, so I became consistent and it has paid off.
I haven't answered many questions at WebAnswers for a while, as I write at other place online. Thanks for reminding me about it.