Make Your Own Chips in the Microwave? I Just Found Out That Is a Thing

by Regi_B

Seriously? Microwaving your own snack chips? Wow! Crispity, crunchity!

So, I totally just found out that people can make their own potato (and other vegetable) chips in their microwaves -- with the aid of kitchen "thingies" we'll call "crispallalos". On second thought, let's call them "crispers". 'k? 'k!

If you are trying to remake yourself as something your "kinfolk" would call a "health nut", then there is a wrong way and a right way to go about making your own snack chips. The wrong way involves a fry-o-later. The right way? Well, that is what we will discuss in the rest of this here Wizzle-wazzle. (Yes, I am off my meds. So!)

Things You Will Need...

to Make Your Own Snack Chips in the Microwave

How to Make Chips in Your Microwave

Here is what to do:
  • Slice your potatoes, apples, plantains, tree limbs, what have you,
  • Spread them -- spaced -- around your silicone crisper thingy for your microwave,
  • Open the microwave,
  • Pop it like it's hot. (Or something that means "run the microwave".)
  • Enjoy!
  • Nummy!

When and Where to Serve Microwaved Snack Chips

  • Parties,
  • Holidays,
  • Your 23rd wedding anniversary,
  • That one place, with that one thing going on where you are just not sure what to bring,
  • PTA,
  • Jury duty (if you want to be removed from the jury!),
  • Watching the Academy Awards,
  • Soccer practice,
  • Mm-hmm,
  • Yep!

Chips can be a "party starter"! Snackin' can be fun. Be sure though, that when you snack, it is in a healthy way. I know a thing or two about junk food, as I have eaten plenty! These days, I am all about living awesome -- living unusual, exceptional. As such, I want to be healthy -- fit! Conducive to that (who talks like that!), are healthy snack options, because we all need a snack sometimes!

If you ever see me out and about with some fatty snack in my hand, do me a favor? Smack that bad snack to the floor! I don't need that kind of snack no more! ;) (Bad grammar? Sure! Rhyme? Most definitely, mon ami!) See you on the crisp side!

Updated: 10/24/2012, Regi_B
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DerdriuMarriner on 04/21/2022

Regi_B, Thank you for product lines, pretty pictures and practical information.
It looks like the first of the three chips makers would be the easiest to keep clean and not show unappetizing stains that may result naturally, unnaturally from microwaving.

Would the time setting be the same or would it vary by what the chip-wannabe is?

Regi_B on 06/02/2013

Thank you, Elias!

EliasZanetti on 06/01/2013

That's a great tip! had no idea it can be done! Many thanks.

Regi_B on 10/26/2012

Totally, right!

wrapitup4me on 10/25/2012

What a great idea to make your own chips!

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