Morning sickness and heartburn during pregnancy
by Mujjen
Morning sickness and heartburn are probably among the most common inconveniences during pregnancy. The suffering can be lessened by these few, natural tips.
Pregnancy problems
Natural remedies
To many women, morning sickness is the first sign of pregnancy. Feeling nausea, or perhaps even vomiting, is an indication that you are pregnant. Despite the name, it can strike any time of the day (or night). Since there are different reasons why you experience this, it will come and go during pregnancy. The same with heartburn. The good news is that it does not affect the baby, unless you get so sick you loose weight. It is usually worse during the first trimester, often disappearing completely later on.
There are, however, quite a few things you can do to limit the nausea and heartburn, naturally without medications. This is better both for you and baby. Let's have a look at the causes of morning sickness and heartburn, and what you can do yourself to feel better.
Why morning sickness?
As with many other things during pregnancy, we can usually blame the hormones for feeling so sick. The body is preparing for something great- nurturing a baby for several months. Emotional stress, fatigue, low blood sugar level, traveling, or some foods can make the problem worse. Some women also get very sensitive to smell during this time. It might make you feel a bit better to remember that many health care providers think morning sickness is a good sign because it means the placenta is developing well. (Not to say something is wrong if you do not feel sick)
As the pregnancy is progressing, the growing uterus will push the stomach. After all, there is only so much space inside your belly! This can also cause heartburn and/or nausea, although not because of hormonal changes.
Keep in mind that we are here talking about normal feelings of nausea and heartburn. For severe cases, especially if you are loosing weight, you migh need to be hospitalized. Always check with your physician if you have any doubts.
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Some DOs for relieving heartburn and morning sickness
- Eat smaller meals more frequently, instead of a few big ones.
- Make sure you get enough rest. This might be difficult, but do not hesitate to ask for help from family and friends.
- Keep a few dry crackers next to your bed, or ask your partner to bring you some dry toast first thing in the morning. Eating a little before getting up can prevent morning sickness.
- Ask somebody to cook for you, to avoid smelling the food for a long time.
- Eat foods high in protein and complex carbohydrates.
- Ginger is an old home remedy for any kind of nausea, there are many different products on the market.
- Make sure you do some exercise, preferably outdoors, every day. Many women find that walking works well.
Read more about pregnancy
Some DO NOTs
- Do not drink in connection with meals. Fluids are important, but try to take them in between meals. Again- a little but often.
- Avoid spicy or fried foods. These usually trigger nausea and heartburn.
- Do not drink caffeine or alcohol
- Avoid smoke, also secondary.
- Make sure you do not get dehydrated. Water is the best, use fruit juices in moderation.
- Tight clothes might look cute on a pregnant belly, but it is better with loose fitting clothes if you want to prevent heartburn!
Natural remedies are available!
Easy to bring with you
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Links to different pregnancy web sites
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