On-page SEO tips for Wizzley
by DrDarko
Wizzley does a lot of great on-page and off-site SEO work for you. However, this does not mean that you should not help make your Wizzley articles rank high in search engines.
Writing a compelling and great article is not enough. Although Google seems to love Wizzley, SEO is something you need to pay attention to if your want to improve your number of visitors. In other words, traffic equals money and you have to do everything you can to increase traffic if you want to earn more money.
On-page SEO works a little differently for Wizzley simply because you do not own the site and there are certain SEO aspects over which you have no influence. Still, what you can do is not negligible. Although some of these Wizzley SEO tips are obvious to you, it is good to go through them all. These on-page SEO tips will help your articles rank high in search engines.
Do your keyword research.
No matter what your article is about, you have to identify your main keywords and phrases and verify that there is potential traffic that you can attract. If the competition for your keywords is simply too great, or nobody is actually searching for those phrases, you might try to rewrite your article towards keywords with greater potential.
Google AdWords keyword tool and Google Insights for search are two indispensable tools that you have to understand and use.
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Write unique and high quality articles.
After you finish writing your article, you have to be certain that it will be considered useful by both people and search engines. If people find it useful, they will Tweet and share to their Facebook pages your article which will bring you traffic. If Search Engines find it useful, they will display your article more prominently in search results and it will bring you more traffic.
Always remember that Panda is looking over your shoulder. Avoid writing thin content and articles that are simply not needed. Even if you just regurgitate other people writings, try to present it in a unique and creative way.
Unique, strong, compelling and relevant title and description are very important. Description you write in Wizzley’s Description box will automatically be used for the Description meta tag and Title will be used both for page URL and Title meta tag.
This means that you must have your keywords prominent in both Title and Description boxes on Wizzley. You should try to use synonyms for your keywords and incorporate them in the text of your article. If unsure, use the Thesaurus included with MS Word or Open Office.
Split your article into meaningful sections. Whenever you use another Wizzley Text module, you will have opportunity to have a separate title for the section. Wizzley will also help you and use heading tags for text module titles.
Place your article in the relevant Wizzley category. Wizzley will display related articles on other articles from the same or related category and this helps increase the ranking of your articles.
Maybe the most important thing you should remember is to avoid overusing your keywords and key phrases. Overoptimization will kill your search engine rankings. Keep your main words and key phrases simple and try to keep their density between 6 and 7 percent of your article.
Use images.
Besides illustrating your article, images can help you rank higher too. Never leave the image description empty since Wizzley will use it for alt image tag which Google indexes and uses in rating your entire article.
Whenever possible, create unique images (even if they are just screen-shots). Having unique images avoids any copyright issues and can bring you some great traffic from Google’s Image search.
Use your article for promoting your other articles.
Whenever you have multiple articles on a related topic, use the Link List module or even better, link to your other articles directly from the article text itself. Vary the “anchor text” for these links and try to incorporate keywords of those other articles so that your links have increased authority. For example, if you like this article, you will definitively love my article on applying P.T. Barnum's moneygetting principles to making money online.
Avoid writing multiple articles focusing on the same keywords. It is great to write related articles but if the keywords are same, you will be effectively competing with yourself and it never brings positive results.
Avoid having too many links pointing outside Wizzley. Although you can link to your articles on other sites, avoid using too many outbound links. You want to pass as much “link juice” to your other Wizzley articles and not decrease your page value by leaking too much of it outside. You cannot avoid this leakage when using advertising modules like Amazon or AllPosters, but you should avoid posting too many outbound links and abusing the site.
Revisit your articles.
Comments are great way of expanding your article’s content and adding additional clarifications. However, even if you receive no comments, you should try and add content to your articles after some time has passed. You can never be certain that you know exactly what people will be searching for.
Using Google Analytics, you can see what keywords people are using to find your article. All you need to do then is go ahead and write an additional paragraph or two focusing on some unsuspected new key phrases that already brought visitors.
Avoid using too much content.
Try to structure your articles so that they are consistent and do not go off on tangents. Avoid having too many Link List or Poll modules. One of each is perfectly satisfying, useful and it nicely increases your visitor’s experience.
Having too many graphic-intensive modules will slow the loading of your article and page-loading speed is one very important parameter for your article’s search results ranking. Having too many is always worse than having none.
Also, avoid promoting too many products on your article. If you promote 10 different books and 10 different posters with the same article you will end up simply confusing your visitors and lose them as potential buyers. Let your entire article target only several products and it will be helpful.
By following these simple on-page SEO tips for Wizzley, you will maximize your articles potential and increase the number of visitors from search engines. Stay focused and your earnings will only increase through time.
Of course, from time to time, just for fun, disregard all this and write a fun article just for the sheer joy of doing it.
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This is one great article with lots of useful advices. Keyword research is whole phylosophy. I think we all have lots of learning about it ahead of us. Thank you for your help. I was just searching about this on google. It seems you have done great job!
Thanks. Wizzley is really great and articles published here rank high on Google. With just a little tweaking, you can climb all the way to No1.
Every site has its particular ins and outs for success. Thanks for this great guide.
Well explained. You are right. Promoting too many products in a single article confuses readers.
Fantastic advice. I never worry much about the outbound links, but I do use the title and subtitle fields to my advantage. That is an important place to use your key words. Congrats on Editor's Choice. I was thinking that it deserved it as I was reading.
Goog job, DrDarko. I know now where to find my guide...
Thanks for the advice, DrDarko. Well presented and helpful.
Yes, there are many ways of finding keywords and we should always search for new ideas.
As for links, one or two outbound links to authority sites are OK, one or two outbound links to related articles on other sites might be acceptable. Ten links to Wikipedia on a single article will only make your article look like nonsense and send visitors away while not gaining too much authority in Google's eyes. Too many outbound links will make your article look like link spam.
As always, balance is the key!
This is very good advice on the whole but I would disagree about outbound links. Outbound links to authority sites will never harm a page. Lack of links can make a page a dead end and devalue it in Google's eyes.
Also, there are dozens of ways of finding the best keywords, such as following trends in news.
If you can work out your own ways of finding keywords and then keep them to yourself, you will always have a rich vein to mine.
Thanks for the thumbs up Paul...