Prepare for Unusual Halloween

by blackspanielgallery

Imagine a Halloween without trick or treat, and that could become the new normal. How can we adapt to the times?

This year, and perhaps for the future, Halloween will be different. Trick or treating might be an idea of the past. As people struggle with social distancing it is very unlikely many people would allow their children to scamper up walks and ring doorbells awaiting candy. It is also unlikely many people will be answering the doorbell.

Parents can buy candy and distribute to their own children. This is safer and allows for portion control. And the children are more likely to get the candy they like.

Costumes might become less plentiful. Halloween costume parties might be fewer as caused by the need for social distancing.

Small Gatherings

The new tendency might be for smaller parties, with guests trusted to be healthy, perhaps family members.  Yet it is not fully a safe alternative, for too many news reports show families with multiple people becoming ill after a gathering.

Need to Do Something

People are looking for ways to experience happiness, and people being confined is not providing a satisfaction of this need.  Yes, health is important, but humans are complex with many needs.  So, one option is to decorate.

Decorate Indoors

Indoor decorations brighten up the home, and those decorations are appreciated by those who live in the home and those who visit.  Set out some Halloween themed decorations.  If you are not one to appreciate being scared or seeing macabre images, choose nice orange and black decorations. 


Pumpkins and orange balls are decorations for both Halloween and Thanksgiving.  So, if you have pumpkins without Jack-O-Lantern faces, place them out and allow them to remain on display until after Thanksgiving.


Some ideas are Jim Shore Halloween Figurines, and Mercury Glass Pumpkins.  Note that modern Mercury Glass pumpkins do not contain mercury, it refers to a technique of reflecting light by the piece.  The Spooky Town articles below shows many Halloween decorations.


Think about tables and mantles as ideal for decorating with Halloween centerpieces.


One caution is that some Halloween decorations can become irreverent, and should be avoided.  Filtering these out here and in other sections of this article is not possible.

Indoor Halloween Decorations

Halloween Spooky Town is a wonderful set of Halloween decorations, many with spooky effects, that can be displayed as a unit.
Glow in the dark Halloween decoration ideas can be made to look spooky, and can enhance the Halloween spirit when used at a Halloween party.

Outdoor Decorations

Outdoor decorations can be a way to spread joy with those who pass your display.  Orange lights, path markers, or even other lawn decorations can add to the display.  Just because fewer, if any, trick or treat participants will come by is no reason not to decorate.


When decorating for others, scary works well.  People passing by may like those scary scenes.


As with indoor decorations, some or all of the decorations can be chosen to remain through Thanksgiving.  Perhaps some decorations can be removed and replaced, but some might easily do double duty.


Among the decorations that will make a nice display are Halloween lights, Halloween inflatables, Halloween path markers, and Halloween door greeters.   Of course there are many more outdoor Halloween decorations available.


Projected light displays often have multiple images and color arrangements, so simply changing the scene is a simple adjustment.  This might be a good choice, and the projector can even become a Christmas decoration.  Look for Halloween projector lights.

Halloween Outdoor Decorations

Decorate the house and lawn for Halloween, and make a festive occasion, whether it is handing out candy or hosting a Halloween party.

Halloween Night

Lights are an unofficial invitation to children to approach for candy.  No matter how elaborate and beautiful the display, turn the lights off if you are not handing out candy.

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Updated: 06/29/2020, blackspanielgallery
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blackspanielgallery on 11/12/2020

Now that Halloween has passed one idea that came from someone was to pack small balls with candy and roll them down a long pipe from a porch to the children.

DerdriuMarriner on 11/05/2020

blackspanielgallery, Thank you for the practical information and the product lines.
Have you seen anyone promoting Halloween- and Thanksgiving-themed gloves and masks? Gloves were noticeable much more here at the beginning of social distancing than now. Would pandemic bandanas and masks have to be worn under Halloween masks or would the latter suffice?

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