Review of Maruchan Ramen Noodles with Vegetables Bowl

by StevenHelmer

I decided to purchase one of these yesterday and had it for lunch today. Read to find out what I thought of it.

Product Description: Pre-packaged ramen noodle product from the Maruchan brand that is prepared by adding water and cooking in the microwave for about 3 minutes. I purchased one of these at one of our local grocery stores yesterday morning for 79 cents and prepared it when I was home for lunch earlier today.


Maruchan I had to run to the grocery store yesterday morning to pick up a few items while they were still on sale. While I was there, I decided to find something to eat when I was home for lunch today and, after some debate, decided to try the the Maruchan Chicken-Flavored Ramen Noodles with Vegetables Bowl.

I've seen this product at the store several times and, while there was some temptation to buy it, I have always been reluctant to. This is because I really didn't know if there was going to be much of a difference, if any, between this product and a regular ramen noodle cup. The fact this product was 20 cents more only served as an added deterrent.

In fact, the only reason I ended up purchasing it yesterday was curiosity got the best of me. Unfortunately, as it turns out, I would have been smarter if I would have continued to avoid it.

One thing I noticed right away about this product was the fact there were more steps involved, four to be exact, than I'm used to with regular ramen noodle cups. This, under most circumstances, wouldn't be that big of a deal because, in all honesty, adding one packet before adding the water and another one after the noodles are cooked isn't overly difficult. However, the product, in general, doesn't really add enough quality to make it worth the extra work.

In fact, I was very unimpressed with these noodles. No matter how much I stirred them, they were overly salty and just not that good. Plus, even though they seemed to have a bit more meat in them than a normal ramen noodle cup, it wasn't enough to make this a filling lunch by any means. 

Another thing I couldn't help but notice was the plastic lining inside the bowl seemed to be melting off. I don't think it got in my food, fortunately, but it didn't do anything to help my appetite when I was eating this, mostly because I was looking for pieces of plastic as I was stirring the noodles. Again, this isn't a problem I've had with the cheaper ramen cups.

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Final Opinion

It's an interesting product but, after trying it, I honestly cannot find any reason why this is worth spending the extra money on. I recommend avoiding it.

My Grade: F

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Updated: 11/14/2017, StevenHelmer
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DerdriuMarriner on 07/24/2021

StevenHelmer, Thank you for pictures, practicalities and product.
Is there an MSG taste to the noodle and vegetable bowl? That taste shows up in some Asian-style packaged salads whose contents don't mention it.

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