Riddle-Master: Best Quotes from Patricia McKillip's Fantasy Trilogy
by tandemonimom
Patricia McKillip's fantasy masterpiece Riddle-Master of Hed is full of wonderful lines. Here are a few best quotations from the trilogy.
Patricia McKillip's Riddle-Master Trilogy
Patricia McKillip's Riddle-Master of Hed is a powerful fantasy trilogy that should be read by any fan of fantasy. It is the story of Morgon, Prince of Hed, who must go to meet his unwanted destiny; and Raederle, the second-most beautiful woman in the three portions of An, his promised wife, who turns out to have a destiny as overpowering and frightening as Morgon's.
This page contains some favorite quotations from the Riddle-Master series. To read a review and learn more about the series, see these links:
The Riddle-Master of Hed
Best quotations from Book One of Patricia McKillip's fantasy trilogy.
Don't profane crows; some of my ancestors were crows.
~ Rood of An
When you open your mind and hands and heart to the knowing of a thing, there is no room in you for fear.
~ Deth the harpist
I never heard that destiny is of any use at all to a Prince of Hed.
~ Morgon, Prince of Hed
One star will call out of silence the Master of the Winds; one star out of darkness the Master of Darkness; one star out of death the children of the Masters of the Earth. You have called; they have answered.
~ Tirnon, child of the Earth-Masters
Do you want a half-truth or truth?
Then you will have to trust me. Beyond logic, beyond reason, beyond hope. Trust me.
~ Deth, to Morgon
Heir of Sea and Fire
Best quotations from Book Two of Patricia McKillip's fantasy trilogy.
Something's going on in his head.... It worries me. Because if it came to a choice between a blind step into a bottomless pit with him and a walk across the apple orchards with the Lords of An at their finest, I would shut my eyes and step.
~ Duac to Raederle, regarding their father Mathom of An
Things are much simpler in Hed. Things die when they're dead.
~ Cannon Master, a farmer of Hed and friend of Morgon
Having a father flying around in the shape of a crow gives you a certain disregard for appearances.
~ Raederle
Will you have some supper? I am doomed; you are hungry. One has very little to do with the other, so there is no reason for you not to eat with me.
~ Deth the Harpist
Will you wait for me in Hed? I think I can get us both safely that far.
Then will you --
All right; then --
Then will you come with me? Because I could not bear to leave you.
~ conversation between Morgon and Raederle
Harpist in the Wind
Best quotations from Book Three of Patricia McKillip's fantasy trilogy.
I wish I could be haunted by a better harpist.
~ Morgon
Night is not something to endure until dawn. It is an element, like wind or fire. Darkness is its own kingdom; it moves to its own laws, and many living things dwell in it.
~ Iff of the Unpronounceable Name
All I wanted, even when I hated you most, was some poor, barren, parched excuse to love you. But you only gave me riddles.
~ Morgon
Learn More About the Riddle-Master Series
A review of Patricia McKillip's series and a few crib notes for the complicated storyline.
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Do you have a favorite Riddle-Master quote?
This quote made me smile:
"Having a father flying around in the shape of a crow gives you a certain disregard for appearances."
This trilogy sounds veeery interesting.
I like the quote about truth. Putting these books on my "to read" list!
I have not read the books, but I like this quote from your list - "Don't profane crows; some of my ancestors were crows."
~ Rood of An