Safety matches show how even over hundreds of years we still don't have perfect control.
The modern saga of the safety match took a hundred years, but in China, Cho Keng Lu, written in 1366, describes a sulfur match.
So the battle to pocket fire has burned on for a while.
And we never will find an ending.
Part of the reason for that is told in the dictum,
"Don't play with matches."
We age.
We are at most risk of fire in our first few years and our last.
We have a bell curve of ability, where the early years put us at risk because of lack of knowledge and curiousity, and in our later years is determined by encroaching infirmities through the natural aging process.
Age is one of those factors that constantly effects us in our struggle to control risk.
Weather is too. Cold nights see more heaters and fireplaces used, which increases the risk of uncontrolled fire.