...or “Add-ons” as in your FireFox browser extensions or programs that are added to other programs to enhance their capacity.
Smart drugs, called Nootropics interchangably, are not for the weak minded, those in the wrong mindset, those who don’t care to research, do their homework, or actually “try” to get better without them. They are simply a privilege reserved for those who do try, do want to work at their life, and that can defensively listen, research, and can think for themselves.
Think of smart drugs in the same capacity as body builders supplements. If your not going to hit the gym and hit it hard and be patient, always try to learn new ways to build muscles fast- then the supplements won't do you any good.
They could be more damaging than helpful without the work-out. If you take too much creatine, a muscle repair nootropic or neutraceutical (another interchangeable name for smart drugs) and you don't work out thus have nothing to repair, you could damage some other systems. Granted creatine is used for other things but at the levels body builders use them if they didn't work out they'd jam up their body!
Think of Nootropics as the reward and benefits that come with corporate evolution of your soul. The wisdom utilizes, the cognition enhancers that work like tools that you already have but need some boost like coffee does for fatigue.
That takes us into the next fascinating section of this series where you get to learn more about coffee than you probably want to know (if coffee is your life). I wrote a separate article about this a while back based on a fascinating article I read when trying to figure out if taking B-1 after a hangover does anything and why (I discovered that when you drink alcohol your burning through B1 like water and this can start your subsequent headache... but that's another article.