The Three Things Women Do That Turn a Man Off

by katiem2

There are three things women commonly do that really turn a man or potential mate off. Learn the three things women do to really turn a man off.

Men tolerate a lot of things from women. Oh yes, it's true. Men are basically simple creatures needing or requiring very little to totally satisfy them. Yet we women, well some of us, go to great lengths to dress, primp and do things we think will attract a man getting his attention and keeping it. The truth of the matter is sometimes the attention we get from a man is that of shock. Men cannot for the life of them understand why we do what we do. Yes it is true there are three very basic things we women waste a lot of time on most men prefer we didn't.

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# 1 Thing That Turns a Man Off

The number one thing that turns a man off is perfume, cologne, and fragrance.

Now, now don't get me wrong there is a pleasurable measure to smelling good, but we often over do it.  This overwhelms a mans senses often causing a headache. Women often use scented products adding to many variations and combinations. You may use a scented shampoo, lotion, soap, deodorant, and as if that's not enough you top it off with a strong perfume. Often times applied to heavily! The best rule of thumb is to use one line of scented products at a time, sticking to the same scent. We women become immune to the varieties of scents we use. Once we become desensitized we don't notice our own offensive and over powering smell.

Men also complain that heavy perfumes and lotions make you taste nasty.  There's nothing worse than trying to enjoy a pleasurable peck on the cheek or possibly the neck or shoulder only to get an awful taste in your mouth from heavy perfumes.

Many men prefer a naturally scented woman, with maybe a small dose of scented product or perfume. While many men don't like perfumes and scents at all.  You should consider buying unscented products if you opt to wear a cologne of perfume.  If you're really serious about catching a man you should ask him before you go on the first date if he likes perfume or not.  Men really appreciate this gesture and you can save a ton of money.  Lastly, we've all seen the commercial with the womanwho mist the cologne or perfume into the air and then walks through it adding a gentle application to her clothes and hair.  This is a great way to apply perfume.  Not to heavy and lightly distributed.

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# 2 Thing That Turns Men Off

The second most annoying thing women do that turn men off is to get exaggerated manicures with long long nails.

Nice well maintained and manicured nails are lovely and a turn on for most men.  There is that fine line seperating good and freaky some cross over. The very men who find well maintained and painted nails attractive also find it creepy when over done.  Anytime women go beyond the mark of beauty wearing extremely long nails painted and studded with odds and ends,it most often crosses the line.  This makes women seem unapproachable not to mention dangerous to handle.

There's a fine line between a nice manicure and one bordering the brink of touch me not!  You decide but know this, the majority of men find overly long and exaggerated nails to be a major turn off!  Once again, a good talking point.

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# 3 Thing Turning Men Off

The third thing women do that turn men off is wear heavy make-up.

The theme men tend to like is all things in moderation.  This goes for make-up too.  While there are those men who prefer women who wear absolutely no make up the majority of men like it in moderation.  Men are turned off by heavy make-up that easily comes off on them, your cell phone and napkins.  Men love hugging, walking hand in hand with your head on their shoulder.  When your make-up comes off on their clothes it's a major turn off. Men prefer subtle make-up enhancing your natural beauty. Men say they like eye make-up but don't like foundation which commonly comes off.  So the next time you're getting ready to go out and meet new men or on a first date keep these things in mind.  When in doubt talk about it with him on the phone before your first date.  Tell him you read an article claiming men are turned off by to much perfume, long nails and heavy make-up asking his opinion on the topic.  Men usually have no problem giving you their honest opinion, when you're brave enough to ask for it! No two men are created equal, open the lines of communication finding out where he stands.  This will be a win win for both you and the men you want to attract.  Once he learns you're willing to take such things into consideration, he too will be open to adjust to the three things men do that turn women off.  More on that in my upcoming article. 

Much Love and Happiness, Katie

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Updated: 09/15/2012, katiem2
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katiem2 on 04/13/2013

Ewwww Jericho, That's a very good point! Probably the top of the list.

katiem2 on 10/04/2012

Jerrico, Thanks for a honest mans point of view on what women do that they should not :)

Jerrico_Usher on 10/02/2012

YES YES AND YES. I dated a girl who wore bad smelling perfume, she sat in front of her compact so much I thought her eyes, lips, nose and face fell off and became the compact. Shows very low self esteem. The other thing the nails, there is a conservative and cool way and a call to attention I call it- trying to look overzealous for attention is just dumb. Great article Katie!

katiem2 on 07/23/2012

SeanMac, Thanks for the feed back, it's always nice to hear from a man.

SeanMac on 07/23/2012

"Men tolerate a lot of things from women"...we do, we do.
"Men are basically simple creatures"...we are, we are.
"Men cannot for the life of them understand why we do what we do" are soooooo right!

katiem2 on 07/19/2012

Tolovaj, Great comment so nice to hear your thoughts.

Tolovaj on 07/19/2012

Heavy perfume can really be a problem and with industry behind the fragrances saying 'one for every occasion' things are going from bad to worse. If a perfume can be smelled from more than half a meter, it is already too much. This should be intimate, not public experience (similar to underwear...).
Thanks for this list. I hope it helps to somebody:)

katiem2 on 05/08/2012

Valeed, I will indeed as I have gotten much feedback via IM regarding the very reality of many other more personality type turn offs and the like.

Tehreem on 05/08/2012

These are very valid turn offs being raised by you, but I feel like there can be more of such things which can turn a man off. More points can be further highlighted so you should consider extending this page.

katiem2 on 05/04/2012

DavidPaulWagner, It is interesting you mention that. I myself am allergic to many chemical laden scents. The result is an instant headache developing into a bad migraine if not removed from the offending area and or person, sneezing, congestion and on. Oh what a great contribution to this conversation about the offenses of perfume. Thanks for commenting.

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