There were moments of real horror in the second season of True Blood.
To my mind, it rendered blasé the tired scenes of vampires lunging for the throat with fangs extended. Those things, no matter how realistically portrayed in shows like this, belong to the realm of fiction. The human inspired cruelties do not.
The sight of happy-clappy Christians preaching genocide with a smile brought goose-bumps to my arms. I shifted uncomfortably in my seat, as terms like 'race traitor' were hurled, alongside the exhortation that Jesus wanted you to kill. God above had ordained Holy War against the vampiric spawn of Satan. Not only they, but the humans who sympathized with them, had to die in the glory of the Almighty.
True Blood hit very close to the bone with such things. It reminded you how often preachers and priests appear on the television railing against gay marriage. Some of the speeches appeared almost lifted from the similar fire and brimstone sermons supporting racial segregation in the days of Jim Crow.
In Season Two of True Blood, Christianity suddenly felt very evil. The extremists within it were the real monsters here. It was left to the more quietly spoken prayers of people like Sookie Stackhouse to redeem the religion, and to remind us that Jesus Christ probably wouldn't have advocated anything like this.
And just in case any Pagans, like myself, felt any modicum of smugness over this portrayal, the second major story arc involved us. What began as hints of dark witchcraft in the woods exploded into orgies of Bacchanalian proportions. Sex, violence and sacrifice, all coupled with a very blatant metaphor of brain-washed adherents, hammered the message home.
Religion, at its best, can be family. It can provide a sense of belonging in a world where isolation is rife. It can produce very clear guidelines for your actions, when society exerts so much pressure to get things right. But at its worst, religion can harbor deadly intolerance and hatred. It can unleash a murderous mob.
Yes, I recommend that. Watching True Blood is eating up a lot of my spare time. But in a good way. :)
So Arrested Development is Reddit humour? This is going to be like the time when I finally watched Black Adder, to discover that all of my Uni friends did nothing but quote it. Or when anyone else has watched Withnail and I, then confronted me about my lack of originality...
(*makes a note about American Horror Story*)
I might look it up, but I might wait until I have more time on my hands.
More than one person tried to get me to watch Arrested Development but each time I never seemed to get past the pilot, really. Not sure why. It was when my friend was over and we got a few episodes in that I got hooked. I feel like the humor is really very different to typical sit coms, and the show itself was supposed to be like a "documentary" but not. It really likes to make fun of things, and I think when the writers realized they had a pretty big audience British as well, they decided to poke fun of that too. I also came to realize that there isn't a single original joke on reddit either, xD
(PS- if you haven't seen American Horror Story, that one is really really good too.)
I don't know, I'm not on Netflix. But I recommend it, if it is.
I'm already halfway through watching season three and loving every minute. It sounds like I'll have to look up Arrested Development too. I only know them as a band!
Haha, finished season 2 already? Pfft, it's like when my friend introduced me to arrested development. She watched the first two episodes with me, and the next time she'd over, maybe close to 2 weeks later, I'm nearly finished with season two. She was like "what the heck!?" LOL
But now I've watched all of the current episodes and I'm waiting for next season ;-; and I'm going through the same thing with Breaking Bad, and even though it is out, I can't find the next season of American Horror Story anywhere xD
Is this on Netflix?