Despite earnest and strenuous efforts to pacify anti-slavery and pro-slavery factions, the country drifted toward a civil war, when James Buchanan (15th president) was Commander in Chief from 1857 to 1861. During his term, American abolitionist John Brown was hanged as an insurrectionist; and seven states united to form the Confederate States of America (Confederacy). The year following Lincoln's assassination, 1866, James Buchanan (Democrat), published an account of his presidency term. 3 years later he died, but not before setting his record straight. He tried to stop the war from happening!
Warren Gamaliel Harding (Republican), our 29th president, would be born later that same year, November 2, 1865, in Blooming Grove, Ohio, the 17th state admitted to the Union. It was Thursday.
Below is an accounting of the whereabouts of the 17th to the 28th presidents in 1865. They all have very ironclad alibis. Not that they knew in advance that they'd be needing them.
Working backwards: the 28th, 27th, and 26th presidents:

(Thomas) Woodrow Wilson (Democrat), William Howard Taft and Theodore Roosevelt (Republicans) – were 9, 8, and 7 years old, respectively.
35 years later in 1900, Roosevelt would be elected as a vice-president and before the end of 1901 would take over the duties as the nation's leader.
Our 25th president, William McKinley, was unfortunately the 3rd POTUS to fall victim to an assassin's bullet. An anarchist, Leon Czolgosz, shot him at the Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo, New York. (Sure! He gave reasons. But who cares? He gunned down an innocent unarmed human being and for that he was electrocuted.) If only McKinley could have predicted his future. In 1865, he had not even embarked upon a career in politics. He was studying law. He didn't become a politician until a little over a decade later: first serving in Congress, then as a governor, and finally as POTUS, 1897 – 1901.
Our 23rd president, Benjamin Harrison (Republican) was the grandson of our 9th president, William Henry Harrison (Whig). Grandpa will be remembered for his military accomplishments and negotiations with Native Americans to open up certain territories for white settlers. Master Benjamin holds the dubious honor of being sandwiched between two Democratic administrations. Grover Cleveland (Democrat) served as 22nd POTUS; graciously lost the election for a second term to Harrison; and got himself elected again as the 24th POTUS. Thus far, he is the only president to ever serve two non-consecutive terms. For the record, Harrison's presidential race is marred as a corrupt campaign because he was elected regardless of the fact the he had fewer popular votes than Cleveland.
Getting back on topic. Harrison actively soldiered during the Civil War which had begun in 1861, and by 1865, he had risen to the rank of brigadier general. Grover Cleveland was Assistant District Attorney of Erie County, New York.
@SteveNewman - Thank you so much. I very much enjoyed pulling it all together.
@WriterArtist - History is fascinating. :)
It is interesting to read American history and the fact that some of the presidents were noble prize winners as well.
Thanks Brenda. It was easy. Took time to pull it together. But it was easy.
Well-written timeline the U.S. Presidency.
@ologsinquito - It's not me. The presidents all had great "hairdressers", sat for really nice portraits, and somebody kept real good records about them. Made compiling the facts so much easier than making stuff up! :)
Thank you for your comment.
This is so well researched and informative.
@MikeRobbers - Thank you. I'm just hoping to stay within the good graces of the Wizzley review and approval team who are graciously allowing me to publish my content. :)
Glad to see you currying on with these historical articles. Excellent post, informative and well written!