This happens when the woman asks her partner, boy friend or spouse to share his deepest fantasies.
Aw yes all the deep dark secrets. It takes time to build a sense of trust. Once the trust is there it comes head on with the test and much prompting by the woman to confide in her.
A man then shares his fantasies and desires. He spills his guts to you the eager audience. Now, here is where the silent killer of relationship comes into play. If you over react to the fantasies or judge the idea to harshly it deflates the man's trust in you. He feels shot down by the criticism and worse yet betrayed, tricked and on and on the bad feelings build.
Have you done this? Next time take it easy and remember simply talking about such desires and fantasies most often need never go any further than that make believe aspect.
You must walk softly and press your lips together saying nothing until you've given it careful thought. This is a case of if you don't have something good to say, say nothing at all. You do not have to react. Simply tell your man that is really steamy and you will sleep on it and give it more time to sink in. What? maybe this has happened in the past and you dropped the ball.
What Makes a Man Cheat Chat
Derdriu, You make a very good point. I do feel it vital to identify who may be a strong candidate for cheating in a relationship, a good way to avoid falling prey to such types. We don't know until we are taught and I'd rather good people learn anyway other than the hard way.
katiem2, What can be the outcome if one knows about the cheating, does not get any disclosure from the cheater and opts to improve communications and interactions to save the relationship?
Arlene, I'm with you although some of us are certain as to what we will not tolerate many want desperately to learn how to keep their man and avoid cheating in the future.
Brenda, Great point! Women are often so busy telling men what they should be doing so much so they over look the real fact they are clueless to men and what makes them tick. They already have a mother, not looking for that...
Great article Katie! Men admit that they don't understand women. I would say women don't understand men either. They just don't know it.