Who is happynutritionist on Wizzley?

by happynutritionist

Wizzley is one of several places where you'll find happynutritionist - if you'd like to know more about her, please take a moment to read this short bio

Greetings! I'm always excited when I can find another place to write and share, it's what I do as a freelance writer.

My username, happynutritionist, comes from my past life...no, not the reincarnation kind of "past life", but before I decided that enjoyed writing.

I am a retired herbalist and Certified Nutritionist. There was a time when I met with clients and taught classes on Nutrition and Herbal Medicine.

Various life events brought about changes, and I no longer meet with clients, but happynutritionist is my name throughout the web and has been for many years...so I continue to use it everywhere, including here on Wizzley.

by Claudia Meydrech aka happynutritionist
New on Wizzley - August 2011 - Updated 5/14/18

This is the profile picture I am using right now

It was taken at the New Jersey Botanical Gardens a few years ago.
Your's Truly! Yes, that's me.
Your's Truly! Yes, that's me.

My food and drink pages on Wizzley

As a "retired" Nutritionist, I like writing about food...here are a few of my food pages
Scotch Shortbread is a delicious Christmas tradition, passed down from generation to generation. The story of my Grandmother's passage to America is interesting too.
This quick and easy Taco Casserole Recipe is something you can have ready and on the table in a short time even after a long day of work or keeping up with your children.
Kombucha is a fermented tea that you can buy prepared, but why bother when you can make this tea brew with it's many health benefits at home? It's easy!
Quinoa (pronounced "keen-wah") is seed that has become a popular side dish or part of recipes. The protein to carbohydrate ratio is higher in Quinoa than Rice.

This is still my favorite Nutrition Book

It is a thick book full of wonderful information that was part of my studies in conventional and alternative approaches to Nutrition
Staying Healthy with Nutrition, rev: The Complete Guide to Diet and...
$31.9  $17.99

Here are more of my food and drink pages

Make delicious chicken thighs on the grill at your next Barbecue. Let me tell you three different grilling techniques that we use and love!
Chocolate lovers like myself who are lactose intolerant need to learn how to avoid lactose but get our chocolate too, I'm here to help you with that.
GMO means "genetically modified organisms". How are the foods modified and why should they be avoided? Let me share, plus provide a source for GMO free food lists.
Meal Measure and other portion control dishes make losing weight easy as long as you eat the amounts allowed. Here are several dishes and tools to control portions.

Other Places Where You'll Find Me On the Web

I maintain a website and 2 blogs

This is my first website, and is in need of updating, but contains a lot of helpful information as is.

Working Grandmothers, a Place to Rest 

This is another blog that has a variety of things for woman who work from home or in the workplace to enjoy. I am starting to add crafts, gardening tips, and I'm always looking for people who would like to share their business success stories.

Aspen the Yorkie

A blog and pet care site, dedicated to our sweet Yorkshire Terrier who blessed my life for 14+ years, from March of 1999 when I was with her at her birth, through August 2014 when I was with her when she passed over "the Rainbow Bridge". The site continues in her honor.



I do a LOT of Writing and a Little Selling

When I'm not cleaning, cooking, or out and about, I'm WRITING!

I try to keep up with my blogs and website. I used to have a few more blogs, but decided it would be best to narrow my focus to the ones listed above. I have too many interests, I think, and am always trying to figure out where best to focus my time.

I also enjoy vintage paper items, and other collectibles, and sell things on and off throughout the year on eBay. If I have anything listed at present, you will find it below.


Sometimes I sell things on eBay

My user id on eBay is claudias_corner_auctions - if I have anything listed, a few of the items may show here

My Yorkshire Terrier, Aspen, was a great inspiration

I miss her very much

This is Aspen, my Yorkie. I have started a Yorkie picture page on Wizzley.

Aspen was part of my life from the Spring of 1999 to the summer of 2013. She is still a great part of my memories, my late husband and I adored her.

I watched her mother give birth which was the first time I'd seen puppies delivered. There are newborn puppy pictures at the link above.

In May of 2015 during a difficult time in the family, we were finally ready to take in another dog that needed a home, a beautiful Pomeranian. We named her Happy, because my son told me that he could see that she made me happy.

Since that time, in August of 2017, my dear husband passed suddenly. Happy has continued to be a wonderful companion to me as I grieve his loss. I think it's safe to say that she is a therapy dog for me.

Plush and Stuffed Toy Yorkies

These are so cute, and remind me of Aspen
Douglas Yettie Yorkie Plush Stuffed Animal

1897 yettie Yorkie 30 cm long. Designed in USA by Douglas Co. Inc. Celebrating 60 years of smiles 1956-2016. Soft toys created with care and craftsmanship using quality material...

Douglas Co., Inc.
Only $16.95
Douglas Brenton Yorkie Plush Stuffed Animal

When you catch sight of Brenton the Yorkie stuffed animal, you might just have to look twice, this feisty pup is so lifelike! Fans of the Yorkshire Terrier will be delighted wit...

Douglas Co., Inc.
Only $27.90
Aurora - Mini Flopsie - 8" Cutie

With the help of little Cutie, you can enjoy a more progressive and wide-ranging collection of dogs. Cutie is a fine pick, and one that is going to give you all the help that yo...

Aurora World, INC
$6.79  $6.06


10 More Facts about Me

I don't like talking about myself

Yes, it's true, doing a whole page about myself using the words "I, me, my" over and over is uncomfortable to me. I suppose you could say that I don't think highly of myself or I am insecure, but I'd like to think it's just because I've been taught to be more concerned with others than myself.

Here's a list of a few more facts:

  1. I was married April 7, 1979 to my dear husband, Paul...our marriage lasted 38 and 1/4 years, until he passed suddenly on August 6, 2017.
  2. Our first child was a son, Mark, born in July of 1981 - he's a wonderful single guy, very artistic, working in the graphics arts field.
  3. Our second child was a daughter, Heather, born in January of 1984 - she is happily married.
  4. My sense of humor tends to be a little sarcastic...which can be funny sometimes, and not so funny other times.
  5. I live in rural Northern NJ in a small lakefront log cabin.
  6. I am a Christian through and through thanks to what Jesus did in my place on the Cross.
  7. I enjoy doing in-depth Bible Studies. 
  8. I used to be a book worm, now I'm an audio-book and eBook worm, thanks to my Kindle. I always have 2-3 books in progress. 
  9. I grew up in central Jersey, and went to a private school until we moved the August before I started High School...private to public school and being homesick all at once was not a fun time at first, but I adjusted.
  10. I went to college, got an Associate Degree, and then continued at a University until I met my husband and married, never got my Bachelors Degree.  I worked as a Legal Secretary while going to college and for a year after we married.

I Would be Lost Without my Kindle Fire - it goes everywhere with me

I use it satisfy my passion for reading, to watch movies, as a tablet, with apps that I like, the possibilities are endless!
Fire HD 10 Tablet with Alexa Hands-Free, 10.1" 1080p Full HD Displa...
Only $44.11

My Autoharp looks like this one

But it's an old one, manufactured in the 1970's and not used much by the original owner
Oscar Schmidt OS15B Autoharp
$394.54  $279.0

From Violin to Autoharp

A nice transition

I took violin lessons while in High School, but there wasn't much use for it in our school at the time, so I lost interest even though I loved the instrument.  I kept my violin until about 12 years ago.  It was then that I heard my first Autoharp, and fell in love. I sold my violin on eBay, and used the money to purchase an Autoharp with 15 chords, then resold it for more than I paid, and purchased another with 21 chords like the one to the right.


Here are my Autoharp pages on Wizzley

The autoharp is a folk instrument that almost anyone can learn to play at any age. This page will teach you many things about the Autoharp.
Are you ready to stroke the strings of either a new or used Autoharp? Either can be a great choice, but do your homework first, we're here to help. Learn from my mistakes.

How I Met my Husband

I was invited to a church get together of college and career aged friends by a friend who had just returned from college, and that is where I met my husband.  At the time, he had been in New Jersey for a year, moved here from Colorado by his job.  Can you imagine leaving Colorado for NJ? 

We found out when we met that we worked a block apart from one another, and to make a long story short, began dating, and were married 7 months after we met.  We celebrated 38 years of marriage last April, 2017. He passed suddenly 4 months later. I miss him terribly and am thankful for the years we shared.

Pikes Peak - hubby has climbed it at least a couple times

It was not far from one of his childhood homes in Colorado Springs
Pikes Peak, Colorado - Art Print on Canvas (28x20 inches , unframed)

That isn't all there is to know about me...

...but for now, it's what I can think of

I'm sure I'll be back to share more things as they come to mind.

I guess this page - My Spiritual Journey Through Works of Art - is another very important part of me that shares a lot of personal information as well. Feel free to visit if you have a moment.

Thanks for visiting today, I sure do appreciate it.

Updated: 05/14/2018, happynutritionist
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happynutritionist on 09/17/2014

Thank you for visiting, and I do hope your freelance career makes it possible for that holiday. We just returned from one, my husband was laid off last summer and the summer before, and although we took a few day trip now and then, I do know what you mean, we just had our first real holiday/vacation in years last week and the week before. Hope all goes well!

Guest on 09/17/2014

Thanks for the follow. I'm not writing much here at the moment, more because my freelance career is taking precedence over writing for love due to the requirement to save for a big holiday in a few months, our first in 2 years. During that time, I will try and find time to publish updates and rework some of the things I've written previously, so as to give people something new to read.

happynutritionist on 09/15/2014

@CherylFay Thank you, I'm glad to be back and getting involved here again :-)

happynutritionist on 09/15/2014

@RuthCox I always question whether I should share where I live, but I'm sure it's out there for the finding one way or the other:-) Thank you for visiting, I enjoyed your Wizzography too.

RuthCox on 09/15/2014

Claudia, it's been fun reading you writing about you, especially since you don't like to! As you know, I don't have that problem, ha! Too funny, I didn't know until reading your Wizzography the state you live in. And it's good to know who to come to for all my nutritional queries.

happynutritionist on 09/15/2014

I guess I can add that I haven't been as active on Wizzley in recent years...but that is changing BIG time! I appreciate these comments and love the faces attached to each...many of them have been friends on the Internet for years, and some I am just getting to know.

sheilamarie on 09/24/2012

It's great to read more about you, Claudia, and fun to see you again here on Wizzley. All the best to you.

Pinkchic18 on 02/23/2012

It was nice to get to know you here! I've never heard of an autoharp but it looks really neat! I'm sure it's got an amazing sound to it as well!

petunia on 08/18/2011

I enjoyed learning more about you - and Aspen is precious! Welcome to Wizzley!

SidewalkPhilosopher on 08/18/2011

This is great...so good to get to know you better...thanks for sharing a bit of your life with us!

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