Second - Get out and get involved in life following your interest. No matter how off beat you may think you are, get out there and do it. It doesn't matter whether it's; bowling, knitting, painting, clogging, computer games, cooking, eating, collecting, art, music or whatever just do it.
Remember there is no standard to meet are world is a very diverse one in which there is more than enough room for you and others like you to thrive.
Baby Steps – By doing this you will meet like minded people feeling a bond that awakens the desires to interact with others more and more. As you get out and mingle great and meaningful friendships will develop.
You never know when one may turn into something a little deeper and more intimate. Nothing makes us feel more lovable than being with others we relate to. Stop comparing yourself to the world around you as you and those like you have a world all your own. There has never been a time in history when we lived in a more diverse society and the odds of you loving others and being loved are a certainty. Go ahead and put that great big confident smile on your face, no matter how straight, crooked or sideways it is. Just go for it, I guarantee you there are others out there just like you. Get out there and start the first day of the rest of your life. Soon you’ll be apart of a loving community building friendships and lasting relationship to build countless treasured memories.
Much Love and Happiness, Katie
What did you do to find love?
Thanks Martie, Great to hear from you!
Superb article, Katie!