Winter Landscapes - Snow Images

by lou16

I love artworks that depict winter snow landscapes, there's just something magical about that special white blanket that snuggles the landscape on a cold, winter's day.

If you like snow images on your walls then you will love this collection of winter landscapes I've compiled for you. These canvases are simply gorgeous and bring a smile to my face when I look at them.

There's something magical about images of snow which makes it perfect as an artwork.

The other great thing about these winter landscapes is that you can enjoy the view without feeling cold or having to worry about coping with bad weather outside!

Winter Snow Scene Artworks

Hang Some Winter Landscapes on Your Walls

I love pictures of snow and landscapes so if you combine the two of them (snowscapes as I call them) it usually means that I'll stop and have a look.   I've compiled a selection of some great snowscapes for you to enjoy with me.

I grew up in the UK and I now live where no snow ever visits and I must admit snow images put me into a retrospective mood quite often.   I certainly don't miss the cold and wet of snow, but I do miss looking out of the window and seeing it flurrying down to earth......while I'm inside next to a fire that is.   A piece of snowy artwork would certainly help me take some nostalgic steps back in time, so why don't you come and see the artwork I've 'discovered.'

I chose this first print because I liked the contrast between the bright blue sky and the white snow, it's also of a Christmas tree and who doesn't love the idea of a white Christmas?

I only remember it snowing once on Christmas Day when I was a child (we usually got the snow later on in winter), but it was something my brother and I used to wish for.

The next image brings back a lot of memories because it features a British mail box.   The bright red of the British mail box against the white of the snow is fantastic imagery and I love how this photograph was captured.

Do you think that the mail got through on this snowy day?   I would hate to be a postman in snowy weather, although I did used to deliver newspapers in the snow when I was a teen so I guess I was in a similar situation!

I think this has to be my favorite snow scene print and I keep leaving the page open on the computer in the hope that it will turn up for my birthday!

There's something magical about snow and trees - I'm not sure exactly what it is, but I think it's the way the snow hangs on the trees it seems to create a whole new enchanted world.  You could almost imagine the Ice Queen coming out from behind one of them.

The next winter landscape that I've decided to showcase here brought some memories back to me as soon as I saw it.

I'm not sure where this photograph was taken, but it really reminded me of a large town that was in the same county that I grew up in.

There was a time when McDonalds wasn't in my hometown, but it was in a nearby large town.   As a teen my best friend and I would take the train to this town to do our Christmas shopping in December and I can still remember the year that McDonalds opened.

Ally and I arrived in the town did some shopping and then went to get McDonalds for lunch - this was a BIG deal!   After eating our cheeseburgers and fries we took our thickshakes down to the nearby park.   There had actually been some snow and we knocked it off of the park bench, sat down and with cold, red noses we got sore cheeks as we tried to suck our thickshakes up the straws.

Now I can't imagine why we would drink thickshakes out in the cold in the middle of winter, but it became our 'thing' for the next few years even after McDonalds came to our hometown.   This winter image of a park bench covered in snow certainly brought back some great childhood (well teenage!) memories back.

In the middle of winter we look forward to a little bit of brightness, like Christmas or Robins!  

I love the orangy color of a robin's breast feathers (why he's called Robin Red Breast when it's more orange than red is beyond me!) and the fact that he appears in winter makes him one of our 'bright spots.'

This image of a robin on a snowy tree branch makes me think of Christmas, despite having now spent more Christmases in the sun than the winter it's still things like robins and snowmen which gives me an excited feeling of a child at Christmastime.

More Snow Landscape Pictures

Winter Images on Canvas

Here's a couple more snow canvases for you to enjoy.   I think they're both beautiful in different ways and I hope you think so too.

Updated: 03/30/2012, lou16
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