Yoga is often times not considered a good workout, most people may consider it a good stress reliever, but if you have ever done yoga you know that it is an incredible workout. It tones your muscles, while giving you more flexibility. One such thing that yoga can give you is a flat stomach. This is done by burning fat on your body, as well as toning your ab muscles.

Yoga For Flat Stomach - The Best Poses For Women And Men
by ered222
If you want a flat stomach, yoga is a good option. Learn these simple poses to tone your stomach.
Just note that the more you target your abs the quicker you can get a flat stomach, but that doesn’t mean you should ignore other yoga exercises because to get a flat stomach you need to work your entire body.
When it comes to yoga, one thing you need to know is proper form of all the exercises and the exercises your body can handle, and which ones it has trouble performing. Yoga is like any other type of exercise program, in that you sometimes need to take it easy and to allow you body to rest if your muscles aren't used to the stress you are putting them on.
If you are just starting out in yoga like I am, you should start with a simple program that teaches you how to perform the best yoga exercises. But if your goal is to lose weight by doing yoga you have an option that you might consider taking. And that is to check out Shapeshift Yoga. This is a program that teaches you how to get a flat stomach by simply doing yoga. It teaches you how to speed up your metabolism so that your body can naturally lose that suborn fat on your stomach.
Yoga Exercises That Target Your Stomach
The first exercise is called the high lunge twist. Once you get used to this exercise it’s pretty easy to perform, but the thing you may need to work on is your balance as you perform this exercise. As you lean over and twist your upper body you will feel the burn in your abs. This is exactly what you want to feel.
The second yoga exercise that is great for targeting your midsection is the downward facing dog variation. This exercise is the advanced version of the common downward dog. The difference is that you lift one of your legs in the air, which works your abs. The more flexible you are the easier this exercise is going to be for you. I need to work on my flexibility so I need to take it slow when I perform this exercise. But the further you are able to stretch your leg, the better results you will get for a flat stomach.
The third exercise which I purposely made number three, are called Warrior three’s. This one also involves balance, that you might have to practice to perfect. Don’t get frustrated if you can’t balance the first time you try these, I had a hard time myself. But I have bad balance as it is, so you can probably do these better than me the first time you try these.
The last exercise for a flat stomach is called the boat pose. Out of all the exercises I like this one the best because it works the ab muscles the most, and they are a workout just by themselves. There is the regular boat pose or you can try the extended boat pose variation. The extended one is just where you make you legs straighter, putting more stress on your abs, which will work them more.
A great yoga program that I recommend that was specially designed to incorporate yoga for a flat stomach is Shapeshift Yoga.
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I will certainly try these exercises. I am not coordinated and don't like the aerobic exercises where I must jump around like a mad woman. Yoga is calming for me. Thanks for the great suggestions.