The only way to survive the infestation is to stay alive. In order to do this, you will need to make some necessary preparations.
1, Find somewhere defensible to become your shelter.
Zombies have been known to climb stairs and ladders, as well as have super-human strength. They don't worry about little considerations like losing limbs or other body parts along the way. They either feel no pain or else don't react to it.
Therefore you will want somewhere with reinforced doors and another exit. You don't want to be trapped in there. Perhaps a high place with a helicopter parked on top would be ideal.
2, Store enough provisions to keep yourself and your loved ones alive.
Nipping to the supermarket or hardware store is going to be nigh on impossible. Even relying on sustenance from the land is dodgy.
A zombie traipsing through a stream or river will leave their infection within it. For this reason, it's better not to trust the water in your taps. You don't know what's been in the reservoir or water treatment plant.
Tinned food (and a can-opener); bottled water; long-life milk (especially if there are Britons around, as we'll need it for a nice cup of tea. No Briton can fight zombies without a nice cup of tea waiting); bedding; blankets; spare clothes; toiletries; batteries; matches (preferably waterproof); wind-up or solar powered radio (the power will be down, but there might still be people trying to broadcast information); First Aid kit; and medication should all be stored there.
If, like my friend Sareyva, you have created a playlist for the Zombie Apocalypse, remember to pack something to play it on. Otherwise, you will be fighting for your life in silence.
3, Arm Yourself and Practice Fighting for your Life.
The books above or the Wizzley article below will give you all the necessary information on self-defense against zombies.
You should seriously consider your own personal circumstances though. For example, it's all well and good learning techniques to save yourself, but what if you happen to be carrying a baby at the time? Roger Ma's book does include a section on that.
Also think long and hard about your pets. Imagine a scenario where you left your goldfish in the tank, while you fled your shelter to escape entrapment. Then you return, all looks safe and well, until you come to feed the fish.
It only takes the tiniest nip to your fingers from a zombie goldfish before you are one of the living dead too. Be warned!
Nicely prepared there! I'm probably staying here. My Dad's an electrician, so he's going to put some kind of electric fence around the house. This will be in addition to the treadmill booby traps. I'm hoping it'll keep us safe. Sound secure to you?
I sure have MY go-to zombie apocalypse place to hole up in. !>.>
Tip, hot off the press - install a treadmill all around your house. Zombies haven't the wit to step off it, so they will never be able to get to your front door.
i can't take the credit for that one. My friend Jackie told me she'd read about it in her research.
Aha... good to know! ;)
It depends upon how the zombies are created. If it's through scientific means, as in 28 Days Later, then the living dead are very fast and unstoppable. They have all of our abilities, coupled with massive shots of adrenaline. They will be hard to out-run.
If it's an Ishtar-induced opening of the gates to the Netherworld, then we can expect the lurching lack of speed. They can be easily out-run, but will hunt in packs.
The biggest problem, of course, is that they are so numerous and they don't have to stop. We have to sleep at some point. Scary stuff.
But I'm glad that you and your son have done your research in preparation for this. Good luck!
My son and I watch The Walking Dead and that has helped prepared us for the Zombie Apocalypse. I'm not British so I won't have to bother with the tea at least. Zombies have been portrayed as being either sluggish and loping along or very quick in a chase - which is correct?