Bet you didn't realise that Zumba has been around since the 1990's and for those of you who have never even heard of Zumba it has really caught on now as one of the foremost fitness and weight loss training programs for both men and women.
All credit goes to it's creator and routine choreographer, Alberto "Beto" Perez who devised the whole Zumba training programs and divided them up into eight different level from absolute beginners to extremely advance students of dance. To the point now where his methods of fitness through a dance style workout are recognised the world over, with literally hundreds of thousands of people enjoying this type of fitness program.
Key to Zumba is its music which takes its style from Salsa, Flamenco, Samba and HipHop to name just a few.
Without the right music and dance rhythm the Zumba would not exist.

Zumba Music Playlist
by TonfaGuy
Zumba is one of the best fitness and weight loss training methods for men and women. My top five Zumba Music Playlist will get you in the mood for every Zumba session.
Do You Zumba..?
My wife started Zumba two years ago, going to various classes and clubs, learning all the dance steps and moves. In fact, she got very good, very fit and wanted to go to a class every day.!! This wasn't possible where we live so she decided to get her own full set of equipment and now does her Zumba training at home.
Along with the training equipment came the music - great Zumba music - music to really get you going and energise you into a good old fashion dance workout. She bought a lot of different training CD's and now I see there's really only 4 she uses regularly for her workouts.
These are the 4 that I hear all the time.... enjoy image credit
Are they any good - You beat'cha...
All the tracks on these CD's have the full range of Zumba music from warm up to maximum rhythm and you can't help 'move to the groove'... According to my wife.!!
She alternates her workout music and has them set to random play because, she say, "it gives a different workout each time"
Call me 'old fashioned' but I just agree and enjoy the music....!
This is what Zumba is all about
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Fun music and video. I imagine zumba is more fun in a group, with all the great energy going around, but if that's not possible to do as often as one likes, then I agree it's a great idea to buy the CDs and zumba at home. What about DVDs? Aren't there any for those learning zumba at home?