What is Zurker?
Zurker is a new social networking site with a big difference and a very optimistic plan that just might work very well for it. As far as I know this has not been done before. Zurker is an entirely new concept.
Many people complain about household name social networking sites like Facebook and Myspace. They object to how these websites have a very authoritative approach at times and can make sweeping changes that you the user have had no say in. Many users at Facebook have objected to the new Timeline display, for example. Many former Myspace members have abandoned the site due to changes forced on them there.
Many people do not like the complicated rules and regulations that make these sites like some sort of online police state and Big Brother. Many think that Facebook, for example, has just become a very successful way of collecting data about people and at the same time of making vast amounts of money for its founder and chief executive Mark Zuckerberg.
So why should Zurker be any different? What is going to stop Zurker becoming just another website following in the path of Myspace and Facebook? What is so special about Zurker?

Zurker the new social networking site with a difference
by BardofEly
There are many social networking sites including Facebook and Myspace but Zurker is a new one with a big difference. Users can have shares in the site.
Learn all about Social networking
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![]() | How to Talk to Anyone: Communication Strategies to Unlock Networking Skills, Gain Confidence, and... Independently published Only $9.99 |
Why Zurker is different
What makes Zurker so special?
The very big difference between Zurker and all other social networking sites, such as Facebook which is currently the most successful of all, is that Zurker allows its users to actually become shareholders in the company. Yes, that's right if you join Zurker you can become one of its many shareholders.
Unlike the other social networking sites that are owned by individuals or an small group of investors, Zurker really is a social networking site for the people and by the people. All those who own a joint share in Zurker will have a say in how the website develops. Ideas will be listened to.
At present those people who been accepted as Zurker shareholders are all displayed with thumbnail photos and images they have chosen to represent themselves with.
Introduction to Zurker
What Zurker is about
Zurker membership
Zurker has been in Beta testing mode and this means it is by invitation only that would-be new users can apply to become accepted. Wizzley author Sandy Spider invited me.
It sounded really interesting and I had nothing to lose by joining so applied to become part of Zurker. I am very glad I did.
Now there are currently two ways of getting accepted as a Zurker shareholder. You can either buy shares or, and this is how I have done it, by inviting people to join. If you want to join, please use the following Zurker invitation link (copy and paste it in your browser): http://www.zurker.eu/i-6249-cjmehscncs
More about Zurker
What are Convos?
So what does Zurker actually offer? Well if being able to be a shareholder in Zurker wasn't enough to attract you then you will want to know what the site actually offers its users.
At Zurker, like in all other social networking websites, you get a personal profile page where you can tell the world about yourself, your interests and talents. There is also a 'Wall' where other Zurker-users can leave comments and messages.
Zurker allows you to upload photos in albums, much like other sites do. It also has a section for Finds where you can point viewers to websites, news articles and videos you have found and think might interest people.
Zurker has an Updates place for you to post your news. For example, I have used mine to publish a link to a hub about a song of mine being in the YouBloom Music Awards.
Zurker has "Convos" which is a service whereby you can send private messages to others in the Zurker community.
Social networking DVDs
Find out more about the Social Network
![]() | The Social NetworkOnly $4.99 |
![]() | The Social Network (Two-Disc Collector's Edition) David Fincher's The Social Network is the stunning tale of a new breed of cultural insurgent: a punk genius who sparked a revolution and changed the face of human interaction fo... Sony Pictures |
![]() | The Social Network (Two-Disc Collector's Edition) [Blu-ray] David Fincher's The Social Network is the stunning tale of a new breed of cultural insurgent: a punk genius who sparked a revolution and changed the face of human interaction fo... Sony Pictures |
![]() | Social Networking for Job Seekers |
![]() | Charlie Rose - The Future of Social Networking / Brian Williams / A look at today's mixed job rep...Only $1.99 |
Zurker FAQ
Zurker is going to have another section called "Entities", which it says will be of use to businesses, organizations, bands, groups, or causes and is "coming soon." I wil definitely be taking advantage of that!
On the Zurker site you can "Zurk" items you find of interest and like. A total for your Zurks gets displayed and also your number of Shares.
Zurker has a number of networks of shareholders for different areas of the world. I am in Zurker Europe. This, however, means that for referrals to be accepted as valid for my account, they will only be counted as such if they are also in Europe. It doesn't stop people using my invitation link to join but they are shown as "International" and not credited to me.
I don't mind though, because I have successfully referred enough people to Zurker to have become one of its shareholders. I am very optimistic about Zurker. I am glad too to be in at the beginning of what looks like a new movement in social networking and am sure it will spawn many imitators. Zurker's future is looking very bright!
Copyright © 2012 Steve Andrews. All Rights Reserved.
Zurker FAQ link
- Frequently Asked Questions - Zurker
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