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Bee Costumes for Anti-GMO Rallies, Protests & Marches
Westboro Baptist Church Versus Freedom of Speech
Occupy Wall Street Will Write Off Your Debt
Kony 2012: In Defence of Justin Bieber and AnonyOps
Redditors Rise Up Against Holocaust Deniers
Blackout! The Internet Goes on Strike Protesting SOPA and PIPA
How to Become an Activist
SOPA Strike! American Censorship Day Makes Internet History
Interview with an Amnesty International Activist
In the Wake of ACTA Comes the Trans-Pacific Partnership
What is ACTA?
SOPA and PIPA are Shelved by the US Congress
Guy Fawkes Mask | Symbol of the Anti-Establishment Movement
How important are you?
King Arthur's Stonehenge campaign to return the bones
In the Beginning - how I met King Arthur
The Baltimore Riots 2015
A Theoretical Conspiracy Theory Theory