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Film Review of Adventure in Baltimore: Shirley Temple in 1948 Suffragette Drama
The computer crashed before I continued to another component of my observation and question in the comment box next down. The film time of just short of 90 minutes is enough to interest and involve audiences with the present days in the ...
DerdriuMarriner, on 12/26/2024
Film Review: The Theory of Everything
Dr. Hawking also acted as co-author with daughter Lucy to the George series of George’s secret key to the universe, George’s cosmic treasure hunt, George and the big bang, George and the unbreakable code, George and the blue moon and George and ...
DerdriuMarriner, on 12/26/2024
The Mystery Predators of Britain
You raise a good point! There have been some bodies found which when reported have mysteriously disappeared, or they've turned out to be large domestic cats. So, it's like everyone is waiting for that one sign that big cats do roam the UK ...
tinacollins, on 12/24/2024
Religion and the Mountains
Mountains have a very special role in virtually all religions and this goes into all areas. Our country, for instance, has our highest mountain (Triglav = Threeheads) in the flag. Triglav is also a name of the old Slavic god. Not to mention ...
Tolovaj, on 12/24/2024
Religion and the Mountains
Low places had no significance for worship among the Hrbrews
frankbeswick, on 12/24/2024
Our Lady's House at Ephesus
frankbeswick, on 12/24/2024
Our Lady's House at Ephesus
Thank you for your comment below, Aug. 11, 2023, in answer to my previous, same-day observation and question. John of Damascus alerting us to Saint Joseph as widowered with children intrigues me. Is there no information anywhere or in ...
DerdriuMarriner, on 12/23/2024
Religion and the Mountains
The high places cause me to consider the lower places that cluster in Roman prophetic if not religious traditions. Underground places such as subterranean caves drew those who did the Roman-time prophecies. Might such a low-place correlation ...
DerdriuMarriner, on 12/23/2024
Contemporary Art - What is Contemporary Art
Each image above has its appeal even as the two images by Friedensreich Hundertwasser hold my attention the longest. Strassenkreuzung and The antipode king include such vivacious designs and such vivid colors, such as their blues and their ...
DerdriuMarriner, on 12/23/2024
The Mystery Predators of Britain
The sighting dates go from the 1950s to the present. Does it not seem that any predatory alien big cats would be dying or die in areas where their bodies would be found? Or would the British Isles still have lots of hiding places for animals ...
DerdriuMarriner, on 12/23/2024
Chester Zoo, Cheshire
The coin-keeping, coin-tossing, coin-using discussion below continues to catch my attention. Some Unitedstatesians always collect coins in their path even as others collect none. What do British Isles-ers do about coins scattered in their ...
DerdriuMarriner, on 12/23/2024
Homemade Christmas Candy Supplies
This wizzley draws me every Advent through Christmas to Epiphany because of the generous images, information and product lines. Your first subheading, Chocolate pretzels, appeals to me even as pretzels appear with bananas and peanut butter ...
DerdriuMarriner, on 12/21/2024
Film Review of Fort Apache: Shirley Temple in 1948 Western With Henry Fonda and John Wayne
Among my favorite westerns are Fort Apache and The searchers. Their place on my most-loved westerns interests me even as each film includes among its cast and crew a significant child star itinerating into young and then grown-up films. Which ...
DerdriuMarriner, on 12/20/2024
Common Ringtail Possum (Pseudocheirus peregrinus) of Australia's Eastern Coasts and Islands
Cat-family members have furry bodies head to tail, hairy ears and whiskered faces. All that fur keeps them appropriately ventilated and warm throughout the year. All those hairy-ed ears let them locate and name sounds even as nose-area fur lets ...
DerdriuMarriner, on 12/20/2024
Could Equine Assisted Therapy Benefit Those With Personality Disorders
I suppose you could say that this is what my article is all about. Could horses help with all mental health difficulties including personality disorders and I believe they could, maybe some better than others. Whether they have certain ...
tinacollins, on 12/18/2024

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