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Touring North Wales
Thank you for your comments below, one in answer to my previous observation and question and the other in response to east-side pond stormy weather.
My prayers are with everyone and everything in the storm Darragh path.
Can we consider the ...
DerdriuMarriner, on 12/07/2024

The Beautiful Lady at the Haunted Gardens of the El Greco House and Museum in Toledo Spain
The computer crashed before I commenced another component of my comment in the box immediately below.
Does the beautiful lady delight in certain areas, plants, times and weathers when the El Greco site house and museum in Toledo, Spain draw ...
DerdriuMarriner, on 12/07/2024

Touring North Wales
Some news.Llandudno pier has been damaged by storm Darragh, and the storm is still active. Fortunately some structural reinforcement was performed during summer 2024. This hopefully will have protected it from worse damage. Fingers crossed ...
frankbeswick, on 12/07/2024

How To Use Equine Photography For Mental Health Therapy
I don't see why not :D
tinacollins, on 12/07/2024

Could Equine Assisted Therapy Benefit Those With Personality Disorders
It seems that there are no preferred breed, age or gender that are more effective. There is a big chestnut stallion with dressage breeding currently visiting sick people in hospitals, called Peyo. Even rescue horses with abusive backgrounds can ...
tinacollins, on 12/07/2024

Support Your Local Pet Rescue Charity
I believe the advice would be good for first time pet seekers. I'd hope that more experienced pet owners would know of problems to look out for.
tinacollins, on 12/07/2024

Understanding Depression
It is very important. St John's Wort has been mentioned countless times with regards to helping with depression. As far as I know, most sources cite the problem with interactions.
tinacollins, on 12/07/2024

Parfrey's Glen in Wisconsin: a Creek, a Gorge, and a Waterfall, and Their Unique Fauna and Flora
The computer crashed before I could complete the component commenced below to my initial observation and question the second comment box down.
A Parfrey's glen-styled rocky, stony, watery mini garden contains both quartzite and sandstone.
That ...
DerdriuMarriner, on 12/06/2024

How To Use Equine Photography For Mental Health Therapy
Thank you for your comment in the second box down, in answer to my previous observation and question.
Your answer is most elucidatingly helpful!
Does that rule apply to any subject or might only certain subjects -- such as animate versus ...
DerdriuMarriner, on 12/06/2024

Could Equine Assisted Therapy Benefit Those With Personality Disorders
Equine-assisted therapy appears such a logical treatment. Horse sentients are so courteous, intelligent and sensitive.
But are there particular ages, breeds and genders that are more effective sources of equine-assisted therapy?
DerdriuMarriner, on 12/06/2024

Support Your Local Pet Rescue Charity
The last sentence to the last subheading, Be wary of buying animals from pet shops, too, advises us that "My first choice would be a rescue home or sanctuary for any new pet like a cat or dog."
Does that helpful advice apply whether one is a ...
DerdriuMarriner, on 12/06/2024

The Mystery Predators of Britain
The relevant locations and times where and when alien big cats are spotted or suggested intrigues me.
Is the list of such appearances -- apart Mull -- in line with such strange appearances throughout time? In other words, is the list of ...
DerdriuMarriner, on 12/06/2024

Understanding Depression
Thank you for your comment below, in answer to my previous observation and question.
Mayo Clinic, headquartered in Rochester, Minnesota, approaches St. John's wort as a supplement in liquids, tablets, teas and topical preparations. They ...
DerdriuMarriner, on 12/06/2024

Understanding Depression
You can buy St John's Wort in the UK in capsule form, in Holland & Barett
tinacollins, on 12/05/2024

Touring North Wales
The puffins probably spread from sea cliffs in the areas adjoining Anglesey, such as the cliffs of the Great Orme and other local sea cliffs.
frankbeswick, on 12/05/2024