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I love lullabies, I sang these to my kids all the time when they were babies and tots. I still sing them in times of trouble, when i know they need a gentle pick me up or reminder of the love and security of Mom, the one who loves them and will ...
katiem2, on 04/24/2012
The Best Shin Splint Stretches That Will Ease The Pain
So good to know, thanks for the info on dealing with and relieving shin splints. Can be very painful, this is a great time of year to develop them to as we all get out and about after a long more dormant season.
katiem2, on 04/24/2012
History of 60's Rock Music
I love the music from this time period. A great tribute to the greats and what no doubt is the greatest evolution in the history of music. Long live rock!
katiem2, on 04/24/2012
The Illusion ~ a Short Story from the Pen of Ralpapajan
I enjoyed this a great deal. My opinion is that it is blended, truth as you saw it, with your creative flare and experiences sprinkled in, coupled with a few other eye witness accounts during other times in your experience. It is a brilliant ...
katiem2, on 04/24/2012
Starting with Nothin' and Ending up with Somethin' | My Journey Online
Trib - so do I! I think learning is also an on going process with as quickly as things change on the internet! Terri- I remember you from Squidoo and the top tier challenge wasn't it? You are smart, savvy and a hard worker. It really does ...
mandeesears, on 04/24/2012
How to Tell Someone You're Falling Out of Love
tribute_to_erasmus, Great thoughts on telling someone you no longer love them. You have a good sense of the well being of all involved. Much Love Be Yours :)
katiem2, on 04/24/2012
Avoid Wearing Makeup All The Time - Heal Your Face Now
humma, You can do it, every little step helps and before you know it you will have developed a habit of taking your makeup off every night, you no doubt will then go without makeup on relaxing laid back days.
katiem2, on 04/24/2012
Eight Common Winter Backyard Birds
I love birds, just put out all my seasonal bird feeders. I'm an avid at home bird watcher, it's amazing what types of birds you can attract to your home. Great Wizz!
katiem2, on 04/24/2012
How to Look Good In A Bikini
kajohu, You're on to the best way to wear a bikini or tankini and look great. Great bathing suit strategy.
katiem2, on 04/24/2012
Living with Loving and Supporting Your Artist
Thanks Debbie, Great to hear from you, Click the new Wizzley banner just above to sign up here, write and create pages like this and enjoy your writing talents.
katiem2, on 04/24/2012
Why I Hide My Identity On The Internet and You Should Too
We are more in need to hide our identity when accessing websites using wifi or downloading torrents. I try to use soem additional services like SSH encrypted tunneling as described at ...
Alex, on 04/24/2012
Living with Loving and Supporting Your Artist
I wish I did paint I might try my hand at it but I do love to write. great article Debbie
[email protected], on 04/24/2012
Will Capitalist Horing Be Jagex's Downfall?
Lucky you. I have to wait til Optimus is released, with the FPS fixes, to even venture into Burthorpe again -- I tried a couple times after the update, and my FPS drops so low that the lag is unbearable. Speaking of which, I know Optimus has ...
JSheaForrest, on 04/24/2012
Will Capitalist Horing Be Jagex's Downfall?
You're right. The Burthorpe update must have taken forever. Remember that there was the Troll Invasion minigame in there just before too. The whole town went from a little visited area to somewhere fundamental to the game. (Even if it does mean ...
JoHarrington, on 04/24/2012
Will Capitalist Horing Be Jagex's Downfall?
I've been playing for 7 years, and in that time, we've gone from getting one or two quests/month, to eight or nine of quests/year. That's a long-term trend, not a recent one, and I think it falls under the category more of changing from updates ...
JSheaForrest, on 04/24/2012

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