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The Best Fabric for Outdoor Cushions and Why
Thank you, now I won't need to replace my outdoor cushions every year. Love the fabric patterns shown here. I like Brenda's idea as well, what a great idea, especially with crafty and artistic kids about.
katiem2, on 04/23/2012
10 Things You Can Make with a 3D Printer
How cool, thanks for the information on cool things to do with a 3D printer, my daughters are going to love this.
katiem2, on 04/23/2012
Hunger Games Party Ideas
My daughters both love the hunger games. I have my eldest birthday party in May and my youngest in July. This is a great idea for a birthday party. I can imagine doing it in July and hopefully buying the movie on dvd or pay per view to show ...
katiem2, on 04/23/2012
Turning Back the Clock with RS2006
Ah! Thanks for the clarification. I didn't realise that there was an actual date. I thought it was all of 2006. I quite like this idea. An endless day. :)
JoHarrington, on 04/23/2012
Springtime in Europe
What a delightful look at Europe in the spring time, my favorite would have to be the U,K, Thank you for the beautiful adventure though Europe this spring
katiem2, on 04/23/2012
Birthday Party Planning Tips
I'm still planning my daughters birthday party this May, she's a memorial day baby. I love having birthday parties for my daughters. Birthdays are always so much fun. I really enjoyed ready your helpful birthday planning tips. Now if I can ...
katiem2, on 04/23/2012
Why Am I Always So Tired - Stop Being Exhausted
Pinkchic18, I'm sure you'll have your energy back in no time as you pay attention to what you are missing replacing it. You'll be amazed at the energy you regain and how amazing it feels, and just in time for the beautiful weather of spring and ...
katiem2, on 04/23/2012
Turning Back the Clock with RS2006
RS2006 is recreating the game as it was on the 15th of May 2006, and is thus before Construction was ever released. The Falador Massacre was caused by a bug in Construction/POH, so this certainly ...
Drasnian Elf, on 04/23/2012
Why Am I Always So Tired - Stop Being Exhausted
I'm constantly exhausted, and can never figure out why. I will try some of these tips. I have recently started taking B12 vitamins, and that helps but doesn't cure it. I think you're right about the diet. It's tough to get all the vitamins and ...
Pinkchic18, on 04/23/2012
Living with Loving and Supporting Your Artist
Digby, Sounds amazing, good for him. Sounds like your husband understand the magic in living with and loving an artist. I love art supplies, I realize their potential and enjoy spending hours picking out something new for my artist. Thanks ...
katiem2, on 04/23/2012
Living with Loving and Supporting Your Artist
As an artist and a poet, I loved this Wizzle. I can spend hours in art supply houses just drooling over stuff like this. Of course my husband (the engineer) tells me his greatest art gift is our house that overlooks the Maine coast - my best ...
Digby_Adams, on 04/23/2012
Learning How to Use a Soil PH Meter is Easy
@LadyGuinevere digging that ole soil test meter out of the drawer and using it to test your gardens soil is a lot of fun. Testing the soil in your potted plants, containger garden and window boxes. Makes it less of a guessing game when it comes ...
teddletonmr, on 04/23/2012
The Pros and Cons of Living in a High Rise Apartment Building
It can be lots of fun living in a high rise. I am sure it is more exciting to be in New York, rather than Baltimore (like me!) though. Thanks for the comment!
Jeannieinabottle, on 04/23/2012
What Are Bitters?
@shoesforrunning another paragraph and you'd have enough to publish an article. Why don't you go ahead and join up -
Holistic_Health, on 04/23/2012
How To Make Gift Bags
I would much rather make my own gift bags. We use so many, with two daughters who attend a lot of parties, plus we come from a big family. There is always a party or gift to give. We spend a lot of money on gift bags. We love recycling and ...
katiem2, on 04/23/2012

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