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Ways To Get More Fruit And Vegetables In Your Diet
Good suggestions. I eat a lot of fruit with no problem, but I don't eat enough vegetables. I think the problem is preparing the vegetables. I've become lazy. I'm going to try the salad in a bag method you offer. I think that will work for me. ...
BrendaReeves, on 02/25/2012
Luxury Retirement Communities in Massachusetts along the NorthWest Route 495 Corridor
You can also have young people visit you, or just go to the neighborhood mall to see them. :P
lakeerieartists, on 02/25/2012
Help Me Sleep
Right from when I was a child I have found the best thing to get me to sleep is to actually read. I have no problem getting to sleep, but staying asleep can be a very hit and miss affair. Thank you for sharing these sleep tips, those natural ...
AJ, on 02/25/2012
Luxury Retirement Communities in Massachusetts along the NorthWest Route 495 Corridor
Tony I was at Oak Point in Middleboro last fall checking it out. It didn't seem boring at all.
Nelda_Hoxie, on 02/25/2012
Luxury Retirement Communities in Massachusetts along the NorthWest Route 495 Corridor
Lissie if you end up on a street full of young families with lots of kids and teens, it can be noisy and chaotic. Some folks just prefer more dependability. For others it's cost. Some communities have impact fees. The builder and then you, must ...
Nelda_Hoxie, on 02/25/2012
What Happened to Scroogle Scraper? Scroogle Alternatives
Not quite the same as Scroogle as you have to put in the domain you want to check: What you lose in time putting in the URL ...
Chris Naish, on 02/25/2012
Can You Make Money with Chitika on Wizzley?
Thanks for your comment, Susan. I'd be interested to learn the results of your switch. My feeling is that it's a long-haul situation, but it's like that with most things anyway in on-line writing.
JoHarrington, on 02/25/2012
Writing Nude: Focus Your Mind To The Task Of Writing
@pcunix - I could add you to the illustrious list above then, as you follow in the footsteps of great writers. Why is it that men don't mind admitting it, and women seem to be a little coy on the subject?
humagaia, on 02/25/2012
How To Peel An Onion Without Crying And Chop It Too
@dusty Why not make sue and do both!
humagaia, on 02/25/2012
What Is The Best Time To Publish Online?
@ Lizzie - thanks for confirming the e-mail timing. And you are right about the timing for future Google Adsense revenue. The sooner you get the Google love the better.
humagaia, on 02/25/2012
How To Peel An Onion Without Crying And Chop It Too
I eat a lot of onions - Vidalia mostly - and I always run them under cold water to avert teary eyes. I will try your method next time - sounds good.
dustytoes, on 02/25/2012
Ice Grippers Review
I used to live near a lake and always thought I needed them to walk across the frozen lake, when there was no snow. But I never have bought any.
dustytoes, on 02/25/2012
What Is The Best Time To Publish Online?
The Wizzley emails all go out the same time - because I just got mine in NZ as well! I don't care when I publish - I write for Google - so the sooner the better is the only criteria I have. If people want to follow me that's fine - they will see ...
Lissie, on 02/25/2012
Luxury Retirement Communities in Massachusetts along the NorthWest Route 495 Corridor
Why do people want to live with a bunch of old folks? I'm nearly 50 and my partner's nearly 60 - but I can't imagine living with ONLY over 55's - how dull!
Lissie, on 02/25/2012
Writing Nude: Focus Your Mind To The Task Of Writing
@Ral - it's all a matter of ambiance. Get the write (sic., pun alert!) conditions and everything flows naturally. Don't have to squeeze the brain to get the creative juices out. I love the Caribbean - favorite is sitting on a deserted island in ...
humagaia, on 02/25/2012

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