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Talking to Somebody Who is Deaf in One Ear
I have a story for you, Jo: I am not deaf, but I am increasingly hearing impaired on both ears. Speaking on the phone is a pain in the back side and having a conversation with any background noise present is nearly impossible for me. One time I ...
Sam, on 01/29/2012
Owl Jewelry - the Perfect Owl Accessories and Gifts
Pretty jewelry. Athena is often portrayed with an owl nearby since she is the goddess of wisdom. The coins of Athens also have an owl on them. (Can you tell we just finished Ancient Greece in our history studies?) They are gorgeous birds, for ...
Jimmie, on 01/29/2012
Distinguished Homes of Shaker Heights, Ohio
Brenda, they do a home and garden tour every year, and I have gotten to see the inside of some of them. Simply gorgeous. Makes my mouth water every time. If only. :)
lakeerieartists, on 01/29/2012
What do Toddlers Eat?
With four kids I have a lot of experience with toddlers eating. I actually miss those times because they were not so picky with their food like they are now! I have a hard time getting my 9 yr old and 12 yr old to eat anything good for them. ...
Angel, on 01/29/2012
Initiation: How to be a Witch
You're very welcome. :D if you have any questions, please shout up and I'll answer them (or do my best to answer them, if they relate to a different Wiccan tradition). Good luck on your journey, wherever it takes you. <3
JoHarrington, on 01/29/2012
Initiation: How to be a Witch
I am so very interested in this. I love your articles as they really help me to understand a lot. I really need to read more and understand a lot more before I can say that this is something I am ready for. I am glad I "met" you so I can ...
Angel, on 01/29/2012
Occupy Valentine's Day! Taking on the Romance Industry
Maybe the problem is that we stopped dreaming?
JoHarrington, on 01/29/2012
How to Get Pinned at Pinterest
Great Wizz! I just joined Pinterest yesterday after avoiding it for a while and now need to learn how to use it properly. :)
Sharon, on 01/29/2012
Occupy Valentine's Day! Taking on the Romance Industry
Here in the U.S. we can't afford to promote anything that doesn't support capitalism right now. We've got to get over our PC attempts to make everybody feel warm and fuzzy and on an equal par with everyone else. It ain't gonna happen in this ...
BrendaReeves, on 01/29/2012
How to buy the best gas-powered lawn mower
Dustytoes buying a mower online is a bit different for many of us. However, it really is a great option for folks that do not want to mess with running into their local super center. Lugging their new lawn mower still in the box, a country ...
teddletonmr, on 01/29/2012
Beet Cake
That is such a great idea - I may have to try this.
ThePartyAnimal, on 01/29/2012
When A Child Is Diagnosed With ASD
My son is currently being tested for this, thanks, very informative article!
Laura_Philips, on 01/29/2012
Talking to Somebody Who is Deaf in One Ear
Thank you for commenting, Othercat, particularly in your defence above for stereo hearing. I was beginning to think bilateral hearing had nothing to recommend it! :p One thing that I've found in common with most unilateral deaf people is how ...
JoHarrington, on 01/29/2012
Occupy Valentine's Day! Taking on the Romance Industry
The argument is that there wouldn't be any romance industry, if people weren't rushing to buy flowers, chocolates, cards and other gifts for this day. Those celebrating Valentine's Day in the traditional way are facilitating the consumer aspect ...
JoHarrington, on 01/29/2012
How to Get Pinned at Pinterest
Well, you got me to click on the toothbrush photo so I totally "got" what you mean. Thanks for this.
Sheri_Oz, on 01/29/2012

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