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Unique Uses for an Over the Door Shoe Organizer
I love these ideas. Now, where did I put that shoe organizer? Threw it out? Darn!
Sheri_Oz, on 01/29/2012
Minimalist Running for the Obese Person
Hey Rose. I like your question. At this time, I am still on my weight loss journey, and I weigh over 275 pounds, yet I regularly put in six-mile runs on pavement, wearing Merrell True Glove minimalist running shoes. While I am not totally ...
Regi_B, on 01/29/2012
Distinguished Homes of Shaker Heights, Ohio
I love old homes. I wish I could tour them.
BrendaReeves, on 01/29/2012
How to buy the best gas-powered lawn mower
Thanks Mike for this page about buying push mowers. When I buy mine this Spring I'll be informed at least. I never really thought about buying a mower online either.
dustytoes, on 01/29/2012
Keywords Searchers Google Index and Adwords Advertisers
@Humagaia Despite not being a humanist, but a human ;-), I agree! I am a big fan of the Gaia theory since a long time. We really have to work together and not against each other to make this place the earth it was meant to be.
Sam, on 01/29/2012
Keywords Searchers Google Index and Adwords Advertisers
Oh, and Othercat, if you tell me what part of keyword research you have difficulty with, that would be great material for a new article! Thanks ;-)
Sam, on 01/29/2012
Keywords Searchers Google Index and Adwords Advertisers
Lol, yes Google is complicated ;-) That is part of the fun for strange people like me. As for your off-topic question, I don't know really, perhaps because the founders / inventors are men? Sometimes I also think of Google as 'she' as in ...
Sam, on 01/29/2012
SEO For Writers
Nice job. Concise and easy to understand. :)
lakeerieartists, on 01/29/2012
Overlapping Content
Othercat, one competing article on a site that has 100,000s indexed pages is really not a problem ;-) Also same topic and same keyword is not always the same. The problem with better is that Google is sometimes funny and doesn't always recognize ...
Sam, on 01/29/2012
Unique Uses for an Over the Door Shoe Organizer
Why have I never thought about putting my plants and garden tools in shoe organizers. Brilliant ideas.
Digby_Adams, on 01/29/2012
How To Write A Money Making Article
Katie I always enjoy reading what you write. After reading your tips on this page I now understand why. You are a trusted source of information, thanks for the heads-up. How is the best way to go about having a pro review others work and help ...
teddletonmr, on 01/28/2012
How to Promote your Zazzle Stores
Excellent ideas for promoting. One word of caution. For several months, I promoted like crazy on SU which resulted in dozens and dozens of Most Viewed ribbons and quite a few sales. Problem ...
Swisstoons, on 01/28/2012
How to Get Pinned at Pinterest
@Wrylilt Well, I would say I'm sorry, but I'm really not. :-) I have to get SOME of the good topics for myself. When I am in a patient mood, I really enjoy using Gimp. I love that it's FREE. I only know how to use a handful of functions, but I'm ...
Jimmie, on 01/28/2012
Talking to Somebody Who is Deaf in One Ear
My son was born with Townes-Brocks Syndrome which resulted in an ear deformity and 50% loss of his hearing in his right ear. He hears most voices and sounds, but noises over a certain pitch are lost on him. Because he was born like this, we've ...
Othercat, on 01/28/2012
How to Get Pinned at Pinterest
Great Wizz, Jimmie! I was meaning to do one like this, but you beat me to it. :-) I must admit, I've recently started creating some of my own images on Picnik (pity it's shutting down) with the direct aim of getting more Pinterest traffic. ...
wrylilt, on 01/28/2012

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