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5 Reasons Why People Fail At Internet Marketing
@brlamc If I didn't have any patience myself, I know I still would not still be in this game. I would be on to other things, which would be a shame, really.
Kangaroo_Jase, on 01/28/2012
5 Reasons Why People Fail At Internet Marketing
@BrendaReeves Constant change is also one of the expectations required for working in this business. Always be on the lookout for one finds that what works today may change and one has to adapt for it to work tomorrow.
Kangaroo_Jase, on 01/28/2012
Curious Chef Kid Friendly Cooking Tools
They are nice products.
brlamc, on 01/28/2012
Curious Chef Kid Friendly Cooking Tools
Oh I love these kid friendly cooking tools. I have two daughters and they have loved cooking sense they were old enough to peek their noses over the counter. Cooking with kids teaches so many priceless lessons and creates a lifetime of ...
katiem2, on 01/28/2012
Salted Food Is Good
I agree that salt -- real, natural salt -- is good for us! Otherwise, why would Jesus call his followers the "salt of the earth?" Surely he wouldn't use something evil to describe them. Many of the studies that say salt is bad for you have not ...
Jimmie, on 01/28/2012
How to Add an Amazon Carousel Widget
briamc, I agree totally oh the amazing articles, pages and wizzes we will make. Good to have you here at how to add a amazon carousel widget.
katiem2, on 01/28/2012
Posion Rings - Intriguing Victorian Inspired Jewelry
I thought poison rings were for killing yourself before the bad guys (or good guys!) got to you first. I guess it's all in your perspective. Fascinating descriptions of the locket rings. I think they look very fun to wear.
Jimmie, on 01/28/2012
Hello, My Name is ADHD
Hi Jimmie - you are so right. This is one reason I try and try to find alternatives to the medication that my son is on. It takes his enthusiasm away. He does need a little help with hyperactivity but the meds completely kill it all. Not ...
Angel, on 01/28/2012
Caring For Black Strips & Chips On Credit & Debit Cards
I've never damaged a strip that I know of, but I have seen people in a store using the plastic bag technique you recommend here. It worked!
Jimmie, on 01/28/2012
Aqua Christmas Ornaments
A gorgeous selection. I think aqua and pink (or purple) are lovely together.
Jimmie, on 01/28/2012
Hello, My Name is ADHD
Interesting perspective for an article about ADHD. Well done, Angel. As a side note, I've noticed that children are very aware of this term, using it as a derogatory criticism when a child is "too" energetic or happy. My daughter has been called ...
Jimmie, on 01/28/2012
How to Add an Amazon Carousel Widget
I love the widget feature. The features here are miles above most other content sites. Wizzley has amazing potential for growth.
brlamc, on 01/28/2012
Pillow Talk for Valentine's Day
Katie - they are so adorable. I found them and flipped out. I ordered some for my husband for Valentine's Day I liked them so much. Shhh... You are great.. thanks for all your positive comments.
Angel, on 01/28/2012
Is Your Home Safe for a Deaf Person?
Thank you, Katiem2! It sounds like your home will soon be safe for people like me. <3
JoHarrington, on 01/28/2012
Guide to Getting Amazon Sales
Very nice tips on making amazon sales and yes there are some serious sales to be made with amazon. Great time proven facts here. :) Katie
katiem2, on 01/28/2012

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