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SEO For Writers
I'm really glad its helpful to you guys!
Lissie, on 01/28/2012
SEO For Writers
This was one of the most comprehensive articles on SEO writing I've ever read. I'm definitely going to start using your tips. Thank you for all your advice!
Othercat, on 01/28/2012
Keywords Searchers Google Index and Adwords Advertisers
Google sounds complicated. No wonder I can't grasp keyword research! I do have one off-topic question though. Why does everyone assume Google is a he?
Othercat, on 01/28/2012
How To Write A Money Making Article
Great advice Katie. I question every article I write and review it over and over to make sure it is worthy of hitting that publish button. Especially since I am new to this. Especially with sales pages. They can come off so cheesy sometimes ...
Angel, on 01/28/2012
Unique Uses for an Over the Door Shoe Organizer
Jimmie - this is the best idea I have seen in a long time. I am in great need for organization ideas with all the clutter that piles up in my house. Four kids really leave a lot laying around. Something like this would help me tremendously. ...
Angel, on 01/28/2012
How to Get Pinned at Pinterest
@Cat Glad you caught some mistakes. It is quite common at Pinterest and a real shame because many readers do not know how to find the original post for the orphan photo. @kinworm Thanks! Yes, you do need nice photos to begin with. But text can ...
Jimmie, on 01/28/2012
Overlapping Content
I agree to a certain extent. All those articles on eHow with the exact same title are really annoying. But at the same time, if someone else writes an article and I know I can write a better one, why shouldn't I? I have a lens on Squidoo that's ...
Othercat, on 01/28/2012
Minimalist Running for the Obese Person
Does it make a difference what type of surface you run on? My feeling is that the pain and stress of running is as much down to running on hard pavement as it is down to the shoe. Indeed barefoot running on grass or sand is probably the safest ...
Rose, on 01/28/2012
How to Get Pinned at Pinterest
I'm loving Pinterest. After reading this, I have to go check my pins because I know I pinned a couple photos from my blog. I didn't realize they got linked to the picture and not the site. How odd! Thanks for all the tips!
Othercat, on 01/28/2012
Occupy Valentine's Day! Taking on the Romance Industry
While I get why they are doing the protest, I noticed it sounds like those who are celebrating it in the traditional spirit are painted as the villains, not the companies who fund it. I respect ...
Bonnie, on 01/28/2012
5 Reasons Why People Fail At Internet Marketing
@teddletonmr I am constantly surprised at how so many folk try this gig without a plan. Thanks for sharing.
Kangaroo_Jase, on 01/28/2012
An Ethical Guide To Amazon Sales
@Jimmie, I don't know why people would use topics to try and make money from what they have little or no knowledge on, I would expect a belief or perception of a higher profit motive. I reckon given enough time, personal ethics will steer people ...
Kangaroo_Jase, on 01/28/2012
An Ethical Guide To Amazon Sales
@fanfreluche It has been shown as effective time and again that laser focusing on a niche will always work out better than for just providing on a general niche.
Kangaroo_Jase, on 01/28/2012
An Ethical Guide To Amazon Sales
@WillApse, I agree with on the fact that some people are one to enter a store to try on goods, only to buy them online at a later time. It has become something of a issue under discussion for bricks and mortal retail here in Australia. But I ...
Kangaroo_Jase, on 01/28/2012
5 Reasons Why People Fail At Internet Marketing
Well stated, realistic goals are always a good thing.
teddletonmr, on 01/28/2012

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