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Harrius Potter et Philosophi Lapis
My sister and brother-in-law gave this to me several years ago: I'm a Harry Potter fan, and my brother-in-law is a Roman history buff. I haven't studied Latin in almost 30 years, but I was amazed by how much I could still understand! It's a fun ...
TabithaY, on 01/29/2012
How to Approach Affiliate Marketing
Great advice in an enjoyable article. Thanks!
MaxReily, on 01/29/2012
The Best Makeup Brushes and How to Use Them
Hi Katie - I only use that brush to either soften my liquid eyeliner or apply a dark brown or dark black/grey eye shadow as a liner to my lids. It works great. However, I use a liquid liner most of the time. It is great because it doesn't ...
Angel, on 01/29/2012
Overlapping Content
Great article! Have been reading your replies in the forums and you know what you're talking about. Am going to keep an eye on you, may learn some new things! =)
wrylilt, on 01/29/2012
The Best Makeup Brushes and How to Use Them
Love the brushes tutorial, very nice and a keeper for sure. I'd like to request a tutorial on the correct type of eyeliner to use with that brush. I've been meaning to convert to the brush on method of eye liner but not sure what to buy and ...
katiem2, on 01/29/2012
Power Wash Money Making Tips for Teens This Summer
Great idea, I can think of a multitude of things I could have power washed. Thanks, Katie
katiem2, on 01/29/2012
How To Write A Money Making Article
Hea, Mike go to the can I get some feedback portion of the forum and request others come to your page and take a look. The forums are the place to go for help. You will want to check the changing topics for help as reading through the ...
katiem2, on 01/29/2012
What do Toddlers Eat?
like it, really good ideas here on how to get to the bottom of what toddlers eat. My youngest daughter is now 4 going on 5 and will eat junk all day if we let her, I found her sitting looking out the window, jar of peanut butter under one arm ...
teddletonmr, on 01/29/2012
Fruity Preserve Filled Heart Sugar Cookies
Thankyou @2uesday. They would make a lovely gift for Valentine's Day.
Marie, on 01/29/2012
Unique Uses for an Over the Door Shoe Organizer
I use mine for scrapbooking supplies. Over the door shoe organizer...who knew!
nightbear, on 01/29/2012
Overlapping Content
Thanks for your kind words Jimmie, in the end, we are here to learn from each other. For example, I learned a lot from you about in terms of how you structured your article and how you ...
Sam, on 01/29/2012
Overlapping Content
Just wanted to thank Lissie & Sam for their notes to me! :-) I enjoy hashing this out, and you are both far more knowledgeable than I. Thanks.
Jimmie, on 01/29/2012
Talking to Somebody Who is Deaf in One Ear
Oh dear! No wonder it was so awkward. *bites lip* I'm still giggling though. <3
JoHarrington, on 01/29/2012
Talking to Somebody Who is Deaf in One Ear
Jo, this guy surely did, and to add a twist to the story, I am actually the 'vicar's wife' so it was even more troubling for this member of our congregation ;-)
Sam, on 01/29/2012
Talking to Somebody Who is Deaf in One Ear
Oh Sam! I have to admit that I laughed out loud reading that story! Poor you and poor him! It hadn't occurred to me that people might find it disconcerting to be lip-read, nor that they might assume that we're flirting!
JoHarrington, on 01/29/2012

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